Happy Summer Solstice AD'ers!


New Member
Sep 7, 2007
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As the sun reaches it highest northern most point on our celestial equator, the longest day of the year, I am celebrating and wishing you all a beautiful summer solstice!:wave:

Does anyone else recognize this time of year?
Thanks...apparently MD weather isnt recognizing it as it is dark, gray, gloomy, wet, and chilly today. :(
But that doesnt start until June 21st I thought??
Yes and the winter solstice? The summer solstice celebration corresponds to the Christian celebration of the birthday of John the Baptist.

My older daughter has a winter solstice party each year. Where yule logs come from originally, I believe? Winter solstice in the Julian calendar was Dec. 25 which is why the birth of Jesus was set there by the Christian church even though the actual birth was most likely September. This helped the masses come to accept it.
Yes and the winter solstice? The summer solstice celebration corresponds to the Christian celebration of the birthday of John the Baptist.

My older daughter has a winter solstice party each year. Where yule logs come from originally, I believe? Winter solstice in the Julian calendar was Dec. 25 which is why the birth of Jesus was set there by the Christian church even though the actual birth was most likely September. This helped the masses come to accept it.

So people living south of the equator are celebrating the winter solstice?
Yes... Summer and Winter Solstices are this year on 21st both. Spring and Autumn equinoxes fell on 20 and 22nd respectively :cool2:

Due to the inclination of the Earth and rotation around the Sun Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere have opposite seasons... It's not all too complicated ;)
Yea, but you can't tell if it has turned to summer, though. There's a summer solstice celebration at Fremont Fair in Seattle today as well. :) Also, deaf picnic event is today!
Ya! Yes, I have pagan friends in the Southern hemisphere who are celebrating their winter solstice, that trips me out!

Indeed, Yule logs come from Yule, the first day of winter, longest night. I didn't mean for this to turn into a pagan discussion, just wanted to wish you all the best!

We are celebrating the whole weekend, but I will do a solitary ritual as the sun rises tomorrow morning.

Some folks get pretty detailed and accurate and need to know the exact point in time when where they live the sun will reach its highest peak. Me, I am just a happy girl all weekend, and from bonfires with the children and a family ritual,to sunrise rituals, to feasting, to adult time with my man, to a gathering tonight with friends.....a fine excuse to celebrate all weekend! Cheers everyone!
Lucky you enjoying the summer and make the most of it before I steal it back. Yup here in Australia is winter solstice. :cold:
Yikes, don't take it back quite yet, out growing season is sooo short, on average 111 days frost free. Happy Winter solstice to you there down under!
Good Circle, Moon-child, joyous Solstice to you....from one to another -

also Happy Solstice/Summer season to all:)
Blessed Be, Moon-child :hug: :ty: for offer of mead...maybe if such a thing as "NA mead" :lol:

circle open but never broken......