Happy Easter

It's kind of late in the day, but I didn't get online til late today!

Happy Easter to everyone, and those bunnies were too cute, Shel!
happy easter!

That sounds so yummy! Have a joyous day with your family and friends.

:ty: I had a good time eating the yummy food even with the Devil's eggs. They are delicious and good. You, too, have a Happy Easter day with your family and friends. :D

I like to see all the bunnies and they are sooo cute in the pictures. I am glad that you put them all in this thread. Keep putting some more bunnies in. :cool2: :lol:

Thanks, and I lasted 2 hours and fifteen minutes with my family before finding a gracious way to leave. To be honest, the only reason I go is for my mom, which is sad because we used to be so much closer. The only way to explain it is that I have outgrown them. For instance, the first thing that annoyed me today was when I was trying to teach my niece's four year old how to sign Happy Easter. His aunt, who is 35 years old, was making a joke of it to the point where I was offended. And my older sister, the grandmother, thinks that everything her kids and grand kids do is funny. And if they aren't making crude jokes about everyone, then they are just plain complaining about how they can't stand each other. It just drives me crazy, and makes for very stressful get togethers and takes all of the joy out of the holiday. Okay, I've ranted enough. Sorry to turn what should be a joyous thread into a gripe session.

Thanks, and I lasted 2 hours and fifteen minutes with my family before finding a gracious way to leave. To be honest, the only reason I go is for my mom, which is sad because we used to be so much closer. The only way to explain it is that I have outgrown them. For instance, the first thing that annoyed me today was when I was trying to teach my niece's four year old how to sign Happy Easter. His aunt, who is 35 years old, was making a joke of it to the point where I was offended. And my older sister, the grandmother, thinks that everything her kids and grand kids do is funny. And if they aren't making crude jokes about everyone, then they are just plain complaining about how they can't stand each other. It just drives me crazy, and makes for very stressful get togethers and takes all of the joy out of the holiday. Okay, I've ranted enough. Sorry to turn what should be a joyous thread into a gripe session.

No problem. I understand you as we all have to go through problems with different holidays. Do you know that holidays like Christmas can take the joy out of the beautiful feelings of having Christmas spirit, because of the economy or just don't want to feel the mood to be in at the moment? You are not the only one. :roll:

It is also okay to rant that you are not happy with when you want to tell us about your family or any of the hearing people that is bugging you. This is why we need a topic so that you can rant and ask us for help we could be able to help you. Well, that is too bad that it is not going well. Hope you are feeling better when you got home. :hug:

I was a lot happier, especially as my hubby was home. This was the first holiday in almost 27 years of marriage that we didn't spend the entire day together. It's okay though, he was visiting his 91 year old grandfather, which he doesn't get to do very often as he lives several hours away.