halo 3, dec 3rd? (link)


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Mar 10, 2005
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credit goes to "rip_roar", user of bungie.net.

"look carefully at that top picture with the xbox logo on...now the first bit of text on the left side....you shall see somthing odd "

the xbox logo's in this page,

halo 3, dec 3rd this year???????????
is that possible? or probably 2006?
it could be this year 'cause staff population at bungie just got doubled to work on halo 3...
ya, probably 2006 'cause thats when ps3'll be released to battle with.
there's also perfect dark and xna halo 2 (halo 2.5?) mentioned in the logo.
whats your opinion?
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Hmm... that's interesting. I hope to see those games! ;)
Interesting indeed, That is probably just a subliminal message, But im still keeping my hopes up.
I've hear rumors that Microsoft will release the Xbox Next in three different versions.

one for the PC, one with the hard disk, and one without the hard disk.

so maybe Xbox Next, Xenon, and Xbox 360 are the names for 3 different versions released by Microsoft later this year?

by the picture I've seen from the link, it says the name "Halo 3" next to Xbox 360...
and "Perfect Dark 2" next to Xenon...and "Halo 2.5" is next by Xbox Next...so maybe those games would be released on different consoles...exculsivly on whatever version it's on?

I know it sounds gay, but that's just my guess...and of course, I dont really think it would happen that way but hell, we just have to wait and see anyway.
ahh better information... there are several selections for xbox 2. some wont come with harddrive. how do u feel that ? maybe xba wud be a better choice ?
Potman09 said:
shit, i hope its bullshit 'cause i dont like the design, but if its indeed true, i hope the handles're deattachable.

probably a old news for anybody here, but always refreshing, check this old
link bout halo 2.5. it is possible, no M$/bungie has denied it.


good reason to buy a hard drive for xbox 2 if its true..

Yea, i read that last year. ^_^
Meh, i hope it is bullshit indeed because the style of that Xbox is simply ugly. It needs to be smaller than ever because small is beautiful.
Nusentinsaino said:
Meh, i hope it is bullshit indeed because the style of that Xbox is simply ugly. It needs to be smaller than ever because small is beautiful.

Yea, I absolutely agree that. I remember that's one back in 2000- someone taken picture and show early xbox looklike. Its really ugly as look like small tower as box as smailar to gamecube. That's why xbox laugh ur ass off, because these picture is "beta xbox 2" as sceretly! =) I don't know that's true or not.
Nusentinsaino said:
Meh, i hope it is bullshit indeed because the style of that Xbox is simply ugly. It needs to be smaller than ever because small is beautiful.
what if it's smaller than GameCube? :D lol
Xestor said:

Go read this!! MUST! It have picture. whoever use cell taken picture.. gogoggo read!
I doubt that's the true design of Xbox Next...I think it's proably some kind of inside part or some kind of special equipment for Xbox Next or something like that...but I don't think that's the real Xbox Next console...proably just a project to show off.
Steel said:
I doubt that's the true design of Xbox Next...I think it's proably some kind of inside part or some kind of special equipment for Xbox Next or something like that...but I don't think that's the real Xbox Next console...proably just a project to show off.

Yea.. I also curisouly about next xbox is enable to play old xbox game? Samilar to PS2 have enable play for old ps and new p2.

Read this! http://money.cnn.com/2005/03/16/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/index.htm