Hal-Hen Dry jar?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Does anyone know if you have to use the actual plastic Hal-Hen dry jar for drying? Or can you just use the dessicant disk in another container? Just wondering.............I really want to get creative with designing a new jar.
The desiccant is the key; the only thing the jar does is create a small space. So you want a *small*, preferably airtight, container; the desiccant is soaking up moisture from the air, which soaks up moisture from the hearing aid. Because a dry jar is so small, the desiccant can make the air dry enough that the moisture from the HA transfers to the air (and then possibly to the desiccant). If the jar were large enough, the desiccant would be dealing with so much vapor, the hearing aid wouldn't see any benefit.
Does anyone know if you have to use the actual plastic Hal-Hen dry jar for drying?.

wow... Hal-Hen... old skool! lol. those things are pretty crappy compared to today's technology. have u tried the Dry & Store machine? if not, i highly recommend it.
Ha, I was going to post about this... I still have my Hal-hen Tin and i haven't used it for YEARS!!, I am due to go to my parents (other country) I wish to use them again. I have lost the intructions. The crystals is currently pink, Is that wet??? Can anyone tell me how to get them dry again (i recall putting them in oven for few mins but forgot how), I have the klip box (used instead of the bag)
Ha, I was going to post about this... I still have my Hal-hen Tin and i haven't used it for YEARS!!, I am due to go to my parents (other country) I wish to use them again. I have lost the intructions. The crystals is currently pink, Is that wet??? Can anyone tell me how to get them dry again (i recall putting them in oven for few mins but forgot how), I have the klip box (used instead of the bag)

i have an OLD Hal-Hen jar. this is what the label says:

"the small quantity of blue pellets are there to let you know when to reactivate and remove moisture. when all the pellets are hte same color (white), it is time to reactivate. After reactivation, the pellets will turn blue again.
How to reactivate: spread the Super Dri-Aid™ pellets in a Pyrex microwave-safe container ... place in a regular household oven and bake at 350 degrees (Fahrenheit) for approx. 30 min.
OR in a Microwave oven with a setting at MEDIUM and bake at 2.5 minute intervals until Pellets become Blue again.
Allow pellets to cool before placing back into jar., Normally each recharge will last 3-4 months, depending on conditions. "

You should get a travel Dry & Store box, they are a much better desiccant. i used the hal-hen jar for years, but then when i switched to Dry & Store... OMG! what a HUGE difference! (and i live in the tropics, so its quite humid!)
Sirena rossa thank you so much for the info.

I have the global Dry and store Box for home But because it's quite heavy and takes up bit of luggage allowance, for this flight we are going on are only allowed 15 kgs per person which isn't much if the bag itself weighs 3 kgs! so i want to try another alternatives.

I would be interested to see if the travel ones are light and small enough, Also would it be easily bought in UK? Do you have a link? I will otherwise google for it.
Overthepond - ur welcome!

I used to take the Dry & Store Professional with me when i traveled! i hated it! then i got the global and thats become my travel one. However, this was a few yrs ago and since then they have come out with an even smaller one. called Zephyr. i have not bought one tho.
here is their official site Dry & Store Hearing Aid Conditioning System - Dry & Store Products
I am not sure if it can be purchased directly in the UK? (im in the US). i guess it also depends on where ur traveling to. if its cold weather than maybe u can get away with the Hal-Hen. Perhaps try it for one night, well before ur trip and see if it dries enough?
You mean hearing aids need dry?? ummm That's good question about dry jar. I just want to send you something from website.

Yes, hearing aids need to be dried out from time to time. How often depends on how much you have been sweating, how humid the air is, how much time you have spent outdoors. My wife looks at the ear mold tube to determine if the aid needs to be put in the drying jar for the night. If she sees little droplets of moisture, the aid needs to be dried.

For her, when the aid has too much moisture build up it changes the sound quality. It bugs her.

She likes the Hal-Hen jar.

As for making your own, the main things you need is a desiccant and air tight jar. A mason jar with a sealed lid will work. Like ismi said, the smaller the air space the more effective and quickly the dryer will dry your aid out.

The plastic bag that came with my Hal-Hen deteriorated. I switched to using a mason jar and food-vacuuming the jar with dessicant disk & HA inside for overnight drying.