Guess what....

congrate GA on your 4th child hugs
what!!!! wow thats very shock news. I didn't think it would ever.. Wow.. well congrat. Nov 22? thats my boyfriend's birthday! thats awesome. let me know how it goes. I'm 5 mos and half along.. due on July 26.. How's ur kids feels about that??
what!!!! wow thats very shock news. I didn't think it would ever.. Wow.. well congrat. Nov 22? thats my boyfriend's birthday! thats awesome. let me know how it goes. I'm 5 mos and half along.. due on July 26.. How's ur kids feels about that??

My kids are fine... but not want look forward hear baby cries during night time..
u know what I mentioned about.. cuz they want SLEEEP their bedtime.. and not want hear any sounds.. LOL

ahh your bf's bday date.. Interesting.... okay.. if suppose exact birth date if not.. so...
My 3 children.

Older son 15 yrs old
Daughter 12 yrs old
and last son 10 yrs old...
Rest of all summer birthday will turn...

espically my BABY gonna be due Nov 22nd... finally it's ONE WINTER CHILD!

If you wanna baby.. you can talk out w/your Family doctor and to see if possible.. your Dr will be very happy talk you out about your health and etc...
good luck!

My hubby will get vascomtony (sp) ASAP!!!

OH WOW!!! anything is POSSIBLE!!! smile
Well you have Ready Made Babysitters for FREE lmao!!! well at least they are at the age that will learn what it takes to have a baby around the teenage years as how so many young kids having kids... smile... (evil laugh) CONGRATS my fellow Canadian.. I do know you so well from years ago!!!! if you recall the mount albert campsite one time ...
I'm delighted for you and your husband on this unexpected blessing! :)

It's funny how this unexpected pregnancy has put a kick up your hubby's ass to get a vasectomy! Be sure to tell us on the day he's getting this done providing he hasn't chickened out! *chuckles*
so cool .. congrat on preggy.. be sure to your kids take a good care of baby and start to learn.. let me know how it goes. :angel:
first of all I want to say CONGRATS! ;) ah.. I come from weird family cuz I'm oldest.. my bro just turned 22.. my baby sis is 16.. yep i'm 13 years older than my sis.. but tell your oldest kid to learn how to take care of babies cuz b4 he know it next 15 years from now he may be dad b4 he knows it :giggle: but have fun! congrats again! :thumb:
Thank you everyone compliments!

My teenager aren't mind and doesn't want look forward hear "Baby cries during night time"


This remind me of my mom... She was pregnant with my sister that's time I was 20 years old... It's her 5th child. I pramed baby to the public with my ex-boyfriend... Some people, I know and look at baby... awwwww your daughter is beautiful... ... I don't know that you has a daughter... etc.. etc. :lol: I enjoyed to know her for 7 years until foster parents adopted her... I haven't see her ever since... I thought about her sometimes and look at photos... I know her birthday is in November ... I know she will be 24 years old this November. I mentioned it to my brother last year. He said that he know where she lives and look at her sometimes and said that she is beautiful and successful lady.. .and don't want to involve her life until she make first move herself if she want to see us and want to know about us.
Awww that's lovely news to know your expecting a surprise baby!!:cool:

Good luck and I have a feeling your baby will have a name after Star Trek's actor/actress lol - Anyway unusual names ROCKS!!
Congratulations and the best luck with everything :)
what!!!! wow thats very shock news. I didn't think it would ever.. Wow.. well congrat. Nov 22? thats my boyfriend's birthday! thats awesome. let me know how it goes. I'm 5 mos and half along.. due on July 26.. How's ur kids feels about that??

it is my bf's birthday too!!! he will be 36... AAACCK! LOL
Honestly.. we wasn't planned another 4th child..
Just want 3 children good enough.. 10 years later..
*boom* result I got pregnant.. :grin:~ at my hubby... LOL

Gender is too early tell.. wait until 3 to 4 months will tell gender. Will next visit Ultra Sound. :)

btw, I did begged him vascomtony (sp) 10 yrs ago.. but he refused and chickenshit.. So I have to careful wild n' Ride... 10 yrs later.. Oh well
Our fault.. :giggle:
Yes Blessed 4th child like said Peachlady's comment!

My hubby is learned lesson and willing go for vascomtony asap.. I cannot wait see he'll suffer for few days.. I love to watch him walk... HAHAHHAHAHAHA

:rofl: I nagged my hubby to do vascomtony after birth of my 2nd son at almost 11 years ago. He refused... I told him about you last night... He was like :eek3: ... :giggle: I hope he thinking about this... :D
:jaw: :applause: WOWIE Way to go....... :) I am sure that your baby is beauty when it born. :)
:rofl: I nagged my hubby to do vascomtony after birth of my 2nd son at almost 11 years ago. He refused... I told him about you last night... He was like :eek3: ... :giggle: I hope he thinking about this... :D

MEN are the WORST PEOPLE to get anything done medically lol.. they don't get it !!! we get the worst of it lol.. MEN wimpy (don't kick me now )...

Isn't it that when you have it done, you have to wait for 6 weeks or 3 months to be sure there's no sperms left to generate another kid... it happened to my friend after having a vascomtony... they end up preggie after a month or two... soo just gotta get it checked out from dr to be SURE they are not alive ... lmao....
Congratulations!!! i was shocked abt ur news pregg again! :hug: and good luck in future when baby is on way in winter ;)