Guess What!?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm now an uncle! My sister-in-law had her baby at 2 am this morning!
DaniR said:
hey CONGRATS! boy or gurl, how much did the baby weight?
It's a boy. I don't know the weight yet. I will find out soon.
congrats!!!!! if its your first time, being uncle can be fun. I'm aunt of 9 kids, 7 boys and 2 girls..... fun fun!!!! I love every minutes of it!
Congratulate Uncle Vampy! Can you post a picture of your new nephew? We wanna see if he looks like you.. LOL!
Hmmm...who's going to be the spoiled one? The 'uncle' or the 'baby'??? Anyhow, congrats is in order and I sincerely hope baby and mother are doing very well too!

Congratulations 'Uncle'!!
:applause: Vamp and want said Congraute that you are become Uncle and heeyy don't spoil ur new nephew also better not he is gonna be vamp like you hehe i m joking
Cheri said:
Congratulate Uncle Vampy! Can you post a picture of your new nephew? We wanna see if he looks like you.. LOL!

I don't think I can show the pictures since they're private and belong to my brother. However, he won't look anything like me. I'm adopted. :)
Congrats, VampyroX!! Now, you'll have to start the habit of hiding your Playboy mags. ;)
Congrats, Uncle Vampy sure to start stocking up on Legos, little cars and balls.
