

New Member
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not sure what to say and I'm pretty shy, so here goes...

I live in Winter Haven, FL, USA and I'm a hearing person. I'm here because I'm starting to take up learning ASL again after years of letting my skills languish. After I lost my job in Feb 2011, my LMHC suggested that I become an ASL interpreter since it doesn't require me to vocalize extensively (the reason is in the next paragraph). While that statement actually bothered me a bit (just seemed really insensitive) got me thinking. So, while I do actually want to work using ASL, and I am rekindling my interest...I don't want to be unrealistic. I also wanted to find a place where I could interact with those in the deaf community.

I have muscle tension dysphonia which makes my voice unpredictable at best (I've been treating since 2007). So though I'm not deaf, I have issues in making myself understood. I'd always been pretty quiet, so while *I* don't feel particularly bothered that I can't always make a voice, others are just...incredibly rude about it. Amazing what people take for granted when it comes to communication. I also have PTSD, so dealing with others is even more fun. :D
Wirelessly posted

Welcome! I bet your new ASL skills will end up giving you a boost on bad voice days too. Glad you decided to start learning again!
Welcome to ALLDEAF! We are not big on labeling others (all though we do label ourselves quite often... I don't know what's up with that???) so don't worry, sit back, and have a nice cup of tea!