Greetings From The Magical Mitten!


New Member
Oct 7, 2012
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:wave: Hi everyone! :wave:

My name is Megan, and I'm from Michigan. I've been lurking, reading and checking out the site for the last few days, and finally decided to introduce myself. I have no formal ties to the Deaf Community, but that's part of the reason I'm here. I'd love to expand my friendship circle, and get to know about a community that I don't know too much about. (That is, if you'll be willing to be my friends and help me!)

I was reading a forum last Friday, titled "Annoying ignorant hearing people stories" and I have to say, I was FLOORED. I am hearing, and as I have stated, have no formal ties to the Deaf Community. (I had a grandpa who was deaf in one ear, but it was something that was never talked about, EVER in my family, until he passed away.) I cannot believe some of things that people have said and done, or the way they've reacted. Maybe it's because I've always been mature for my age, and part of the way I was brought up, but I guess I just don't see the differences that some people do, or feel the way they feel.

As I was reading the post, page after page, it just me cry, honestly. I would truly like to believe the best in people, but sometimes, I just think some people are stupid. I don't think they take the time to think about their actions, or words, or even other people, before themselves. I have experienced this too, but not because I'm deaf or HOH. I've been picked on or discriminated against because I'm a woman, or when I was younger, or because I am gay. (I identify as bisexual.) And while it's not the same thing that many in the Deaf Community have faced, it is something I can (to a certain extent) relate to.

Ok, sorry. That was way more sad than I had hoped it would turn out. Anyways, to recap, my name is Megan, I hail from the Great Lakes State (Go Blue! Go Tigers! End this lockout so I can watch my Wings again!) I'm bisexual, and I'd love to get to know you all better. It's very nice to meet you!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
hello megan...i from uk, i been fortunate not had hearing ignorant people much but i do know people who have and it been unpleasent,nice you caring
Go Blue!! My girlfriend and I went to Tigers game earlier this year and will go to a Wolverines game later this year. Nice to see other Michigan person here.
Thanks everyone! Sorry, I couldn't find this post at first, but I got back to it finally! It's nice to meet you all, and I'm happy to be here!

@Bebonang, I've been commenting where I can, and liking almost everything I come across! I like how open and honest everyone is here, and I'm learning so much!

@caz12, I'm sorry you've had to put up with people like that, but it seems like we all come across them in all walks of life. I'm glad though that you haven't had too much experience with them.

@bpmerillat, thank you very much. If I remember correctly, you're a veteran, right? I kind of am (not really) a veteran, but I wanted to thank you for your service!

@dereksbicycles, very nice! I haven't been able to make it to a Tigers game this year, but I was so looking forward to hockey. Oh well, maybe next season. And maybe one day I'll save my pennies to get to the Big House!
Hi Megan,

Welcome to the forum.

A question for you if you don't mind. Why did you feel the need to disclose your sexual preferences?

Interesting what you said about your grandfather. I can relate to that.

@impaired, thank you! And to expand on the whole sexual preference, I was merely trying to state that I have been treated poorly based on something (that I feel) I cannot change/have no control over, ie, being gay. Just in the same way that some people are born deaf or become deaf from a childhood illness or disease later in life. I don't feel I should have change myself to fit into a mold, just as I feel that the Deaf community shouldn't have to use oral methods or hearing aids or CI to be apart of the hearing world. But again, that's just my personal opinion, and my views on it. Have my experiences been as bad as some peoples here? No, they haven't. I guess I'm just trying to say that I might have some common ground with people who have been discriminated against, by just being who I am. Does that make any sense? Sometimes I just ramble, and not really answer the question, ha. And yeah, I wish I could have talked to my grandpa more about it, to really get his perspective.

@Smithtr, thank you!
@bpmerillat, thank you very much. If I remember correctly, you're a veteran, right? I kind of am (not really) a veteran, but I wanted to thank you for your service!

Yes, you are correct. I am a veteran, and you are quite welcome. I am proud to have served this great country for 7 years! And I'm also a huge Wolverine fan! GO BLUE!!! :D