Greetings from Australia!

Do you become greyhound racing trainer? Do you have own greyhound?
Yep I have about 15 greyhounds here on my property, but only half are mine, the rest are boarders.

I have been training greyhounds about 20 years.. and before that, since I was 7 years old, my parents were training greyhounds but they retired about 10 years ago. So it's just me training on my own. :P

It's really different having greyhounds in Australia than it is in USA, as I can see that they have different methods.. like.. in USA, only the tracks own the greyhounds and the trainers are contracted to the track to provide them with greyhounds. I don't like that at all! Makes it so impersonal for the poor greyhounds!

Here in Australia, everyone can own a greyhound and be hobby trainers, so it's like just a hobby, not professional, so greyhounds are treated more like family members/pets. We race them where we want to go, and whenever.

I absolutely love greyhounds :giggle: if you can't tell! they make such fantastic pets, I actually have two inside the house sharing my bed and lounge!
:jaw: You have 15 greyhounds! I had interested to watch greyhound racing in Oregon last several years.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf!!:wave:

As you can see, there are a few Aussie's here. There are also Aussie wannabes (me).

Love the greyhounds!!