Grandmother kills child with excessive salt

Fly Free

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Apr 2, 2003
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The grandmother is VERY STUPID!

FLEETWOOD, Pa. (July 13) - A woman has been charged in the fatal poisoning of her 5-week-old granddaughter, authorities said.

Police said that Merry Long, 43, poured about two cups of salt into a can of powdered baby formula because she was angry at her son and his girlfriend, who is the child's mother. The couple and the child were living with Long at the time of the Feb. 11 poisoning, according to authorities.

The mother unknowingly mixed the formula with water and fed it to the baby, who went into convulsions and died Feb. 18, officials said.

Long fled the area after confessing Feb. 24 that she put salt in the formula because she was angry with the couple for the way they were treating her.

Long was charged Friday with homicide, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. Authorities have not explained why they were unable to file charges earlier.

She has not been found.

The child, Megan Long, died from brain swelling caused by excessive sodium, the Dauphin County coroner's office said.

07/12/03 21:30 EDT

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omfg!!! :mad2: Damn!!! How selfish of grandmother doing it to her own grandchild!! Unbelievable!! :(
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:mad2: That ain't right! If she is upset with them..she should have talked to them instead of killing her own granddaughter. :mad: Poor baby..she is in a peaceful place.
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Originally posted by WildKaTReSS
:mad2: That ain't right! If she is upset with them..she should have talked to them instead of killing her own granddaughter. :mad: Poor baby..she is in a peaceful place.
she wasn't angry...she was insane.
Hmmm, I learned something new.

I never thought salt could kill babies. Don't some formula cans have sodium ingredients? :confused:

The only thing I know is excessive salt isn't good for a person's heart, not a sudden death.

Yes, TWO cups of salt sound excessive. I wonder if I drink or eat something that has two cups of salt, it will kill me, too?

Geez....the grandmother must be an expert at killing babies with just food! :mad:
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yeah but the baby didn't deserve to wasn't EVEN her fault that she was born. So she went up and ended the youth's life just because she felt that she didnt' get the respect she needed from her son and his g/f, who is the mother of the baby. What problems did the baby bring? NOTHING. Its the couples' fault who didn't marry first and then have a baby...but no...she proably went ape and terminate the baby for the "sins"...well guess what? she did an even GREATER sin...killing the baby when the baby ABSLOUTELY don't deserve it.

So I belive she has lost her sanity, and should be put in prison for life, because she is like 50 or something, so she shouldn't live too long.
Originally posted by Steel

So I belive she has lost her sanity, and should be put in prison for life, because she is like 50 or something, so she shouldn't live too long.

uhhh Steel -- the woman is 43 -- still quite young and yes i agree she should be thrown in prison for life
OMG!!! I am the mom, I went thru HELL!!! even some of people treated me shit. It dont come across my mind to kill babies-kids- or anyone.. If any of my kids treat me shit, I will draw line, ask them to move out. If their children is in not proper care or not safe. I would report, I will make sure that I still have visitation rights.. (grandparents rights).. so forth.. but that's make me sick to see mothers, fathers, grandparents or anyone take out on babies/children.. they are precious innocent.. =\
Unbelieveable! I cannot believe a grandmother would DO such a horrid thing to her grandchild! The baby was an innocent person in this situation.
The grandmother should've talked things over with her son and his girlfriend about the problems between them and her....not TAKE it on the poor baby. :(

GOD!!! :shock: Now I worry for my own children, since I don't want to lose mine! I know my parents and parents in law are wonderful with us and so forth, but yet, I still WORRY!!!! AUGH!

That bitch should be caged or to put to sleep forever. :slap: