Grandma is in the hospital


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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She has a tumor on her neck. She went in not yesterday but the day before with trouble breathing. They did a bioposy on it yesterday. We should know the results next week.

I may be going up tonight to see her. Please pray that it's not cancerous. She is a second mom to me.

We are all deeply worried about her.

Aww sorry to hear about your grandma.. I will surely be glad to keep her in my prayers... Hope she will get well soon! :|
aWW I hope it is nothing serious. :hug: Keep us posted and see how she is doing!
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma. I hope everything goes ok. My prayers are with you and your family. :(
Read Please

I just got off the phone with my dad.
He just told me that my uncles have been in touch with the drs.
My Grandmother is extremely ill. One of the posssiblities is that she could INFACT have cancer.

Please pray, I am the only one that knows about this. My Grandmother doesn't really even know. My uncles haven't told the grandchildren.

I am deeply sad, I hope that this test comes back negative.
I just got off the phone with my dad.
He just told me that my uncles have been in touch with the drs.
My Grandmother is extremely ill. One of the posssiblities is that she could INFACT have cancer.

Please pray, I am the only one that knows about this. My Grandmother doesn't really even know. My uncles haven't told the grandchildren.

I am deeply sad, I hope that this test comes back negative.

Oh my dear..
Hopefully comes back negative for your gramma's health.
aw..:hug: I am very sorry to hear this... My prayers are with both you and your grandma. My candle is "still" lit ....
My prayers are with your grandmother, you and your family. :tears:

I hope your grandmother gets better. :angel:
Results Are In - Cancer

Well the results are in. She does infact have cancer. The drs are only giving her a year. I am totally beside myself. I am not sure how to explain to my girls that their great-grandma is so sick.

I never thought it would come to this. I feel like I am loosing half my heart. She is such a mom to me.

Help me to help her. What can I do? How can I be there? How do I explain to my children?

This is very hard for me. *sob*

I really could use some major support.
I will continue to keep you in my prayers and please remember the millions of families have gone this path before you and it would be very helpful to be in a cancer support group with people and women your own age to be able to lean on one another for emotional support as well as advice that families with a loved one who has cancer can give from one to another. All of us at will keep you in our prayers and our thoughts. I am sure the ladies of can give you the much needed support off-line and on vp or webcam too. I am not sure if there is a Deaf cancer support group for loved ones who has someone with cancer. This may be something else worth looking into. God Bless :angel:

RedHeadedGrl do you have MSN at all?

I know you have AIM but I don't have that.

Heath I thought about that too, but I am not sure what support group to go in.

If anyone knows of a good cancer support group. Please let me know. This is going to be very hard for me.


I'll keep you posted.

my pray for you that everything is ok... I know it is very tough on you and your family.

Aww..I am sorry to read about this news. Important that your Grandma has you and other family members to be there for support. She is gonna need it.
Awww I'm so sorry. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything works out for you and your family