Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas looks SO much damn better on Xbox!

Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas looks SO much damn better on Xbox!

Steel said:
LOL.. I like that one comic with sense of humor..

Hey Look at below:

It wouldn't hurt if jackasses like Jack Thompson and senator Hilary Clinton ever heard of ESRB

such as this!

I believe the videogame companies are not responsible violence but parents are so much damn responsible for watching what children well what they watch on TV too! :roll:
same thing with TV having TV ratings such as TVY, TVG, TVPG, TV14 AND TVMA...etc

why are the congress and superm counts so fucked up on this shit?

honestly, they are just wasting their time, period.


DDDDDUH! :smash:
Steel said:
It wouldn't hurt if jackasses like Jack Thompson and senator Hilary Clinton ever heard of ESRB

such as this!

I believe the videogame companies are not responsible violence but parents are so much damn responsible for watching what children well what they watch on TV too! :roll:
same thing with TV having TV ratings such as TVY, TVG, TVPG, TV14 AND TVMA...etc

why are the congress and superm counts so fucked up on this shit?

honestly, they are just wasting their time, period.


DDDDDUH! :smash:
I agree with this.. My sub-teenager son who asked me, he want to play Halo or such like GTA, or other violence games. I always say no to him.. He got mad.. oh well he has to learn how to accpet and deal with.. :)
ckfarbes said:
I agree with this.. My sub-teenager son who asked me, he want to play Halo or such like GTA, or other violence games. I always say no to him.. He got mad.. oh well he has to learn how to accpet and deal with.. :)
now that's an true example of showing parent responsilibity without even having to blame game companies for making such violent games. :D

good work.

Jack Thompson=Jackass :D
Not much we can do, companies will always win unless there's a class action lawsuit against the game companies.
Bump 'cuz GTA: SA is now BACK in the stores! I just found the new edition minus the Hot Coffee mod yesterday while paying the Best Buy a visit before work.

Look at bottom of the GTA:SA box and you will find "SECOND EDITION" marking on new boxes of GTA:SA. Mine is completely blank 'cause I bought my copy before the shit hit the fan on the Hot Cofee mod.
sablescort said:
Bump 'cuz GTA: SA is now BACK in the stores! I just found the new edition minus the Hot Coffee mod yesterday while paying the Best Buy a visit before work.

Look at bottom of the GTA:SA box and you will find "SECOND EDITION" marking on new boxes of GTA:SA. Mine is completely blank 'cause I bought my copy before the shit hit the fan on the Hot Cofee mod.
there should be new features on the "second edition" perhas like more weapons that lets you two weapons at once, wear a swimsuit and mask to go underwater and search for money and items that you can sell at a pawn shop to get more money, etc... and drink, smoke 'til you get all high and drunk and walk funny and talk funny, etc..that would be pretty funny. :D

as for people who are still pissed about the "hot coffe" thingy, must they be reminded that there are ALWAYS sex stuff going on in pervious GTA series? especially GTAIII, where you just wait in the car for hours waiting for some hooker to come by and fuck your brains out, and stores your health. as in for GTA: Vice City, there are always trash talk such as "PUSSY! PUSSY! PUSSSSYYY!" and some porn stars working in studios as well. (Candy Suxx was voiced by Jenna Jameson in Vice City) and as for San Andreas, there are tons of cussing and shit...obviously alot of sex too so why must they get so pissed over nudity than violence? that doesn't make if they dont even expect that nudity is just part of what we are always with dicks and women with pussy and boobs...BIG DEAL! WHOOP DEE FUCKIN' DOO!
but get they are more pissed with nudity than violence, do they even think it's okay to show violence of men hitting women and even tries to rape them before nudity is shown? and as for children? they think it's okay to show violence of children being shot in the head and others were struggled to death and shit like that? I mean, you see all those terrible things in real life and movies like "death wish", "Law and Order", and others. when women and children are the victims of violence and some were made in videogames anyway...why must they be more pissed on nudity than violence when they see this "oh that man is hitting some woman so there's no nudity so no need to worry...the children won't know they look like." HELLO!?!? is this something that the children wants to SEE?! do they want children to think that it's okay to beat up women no matter what? then they are totally fucked. I believe showing nudity doesn't really change anything though adults are just plain embrassassed when they let kids see naked people and go "hey mom, what's that between that man's legs?!" well later on they will understand...even if they seen it too early, it's still no big deal. you can't shield your kids from such things cause shit happens anyway. I'm sure alot of you have seen your parents naked as well as they have seen you naked also so c'mon...what's the point with nudity? it's just people who are naked...nothing else. what is the worst thing that would ever happen when kids find people naked eh? WHAT?!? I believe violence is the thing that should be more prevented than nudity.

You decide.
speaking of nudity, there happens to be alot of naked women in one of the top selling Playstation 2 games, "God of War".

it doesn't show them having sex, but shows them laying on bed naked AFTER he had some sex with them.

I guess the congress must've illegally smoked some pot and forgot about that one. :roll: