Got question for everybody

Y said:
Toones, Geez I like that word "eternity"...
that's nice :) hmm, does marriage/love require
lots of team work ??

I will don't require ALOT of work, but it does help each other to work everything through. Do yall agree???
Yes, I certainly do believe in marriage..only man to woman due to God's creation and His law.
coloravalanche said:
Yes, I certainly do believe in marriage..only man to woman due to God's creation and His law.

God made 2 mistakes of his creation (Lilith and Eve...) and his law is to obey God!

It's depend which religious you believe in... for example: do you believe in marriage in islamic, hebrew, catholic, christianity, or whatsova..

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished."-Goethe
BabyAngel said:
I will don't require ALOT of work, but it does help each other to work everything through. Do yall agree???

It's part of unconditional love, isnt it?

You can be vampire, imortality... :wink:
Y said:
Toones, Geez I like that word "eternity"...
that's nice :) hmm, does marriage/love require
lots of team work ??

Like others say, it doesn't have to take a lot of hard work...but then again it depends on how the people are adjusting to a married life after so many years of being a single, lol. (Especially when they have acquired some bad habits that they need to overcome...)
yes and no...

I do believe in marriages but they also scares shit out of me because they are not what they used to be... i mean everyone rush into marriage then end up paying lot of money for divorce.. also more people marry for baby itself not for love so how do i know if its a true love or something else? i suppose ill see as i go on with my life maybe my fear go away when i meet right guy? who knows?

also i believe marriage require teamwork, communication, support, understanding, and especially love ... if any of those are missing... then marriage will fail i have seen to many failed marriages cuz of those things are missing
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Yes, I do :D I have 350 days more left for us.

We have been together for six years as we are true in love each other so much. He is too good to me and my two sons. My family admire him alot. His family love me.

Wedding arrangement is alot of work but it is worth for us to have a good memorize. I :ily: him.
Yes, I believe in marriage and the sacred vows. Being married is teamwork and it takes 2 to make the marriage work. :)
Sabrina said:
Yes, I do :D I have 350 days more left for us.

We have been together for six years as we are true in love each other so much. He is too good to me and my two sons. My family admire him alot. His family love me.

Wedding arrangement is alot of work but it is worth for us to have a good memorize. I :ily: him.
Well, WHEN ARE U GUYS GETTING MARRIED?? ...six years is a pretty long engagement, aint it? haha...
Originally posted by Emerica
God made 2 mistakes of his creation (Lilith and Eve...) and his law is to obey God!

It's depend which religious you believe in... for example: do you believe in marriage in islamic, hebrew, catholic, christianity, or whatsova..
First of all, God doesn't make mistakes. He gave people "freewill" to do as they please and the women made the mistakes in doing stupid things.

I'm a Christian and personally, I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. They were made to "fit" together and the act of sex between a man and a woman leads to procreation and the furthering of our species.
Also, I see marriage as an institution designed to create a stable environment for children to be brought into. I don't think it necessarily involves love (though I want to marry someone I love deeply) but it does involve respect, loyalty and duty (this is why so many arranged marriages work out). Children need both a mother to nurture them and a father to teach them to become strong, functioning adults.
I dont believe that you need a paper to say two people are married. I believe that if two people love each other, and are faithfull, and trust each other, and both want to spend their lives together, than they are married. A piece of paper does not prove that two people love each other, the way two people act towards each other, and care about each other and love each other, thats what you need to be married.
ASLsTuDeNt2 said:
I dont believe that you need a paper to say two people are married. I believe that if two people love each other, and are faithfull, and trust each other, and both want to spend their lives together, than they are married. A piece of paper does not prove that two people love each other, the way two people act towards each other, and care about each other and love each other, thats what you need to be married.

Oh you mean toilet paper, eh?
LOL toilet paper... but what fun would it be to not be married? You wanna introduce each other as boyfriend/girlfriend for the rest of your life? I much prefer the term husband/wife.... I love hearing my husband introduce me as "my wife" and I love calling him "my husband."

Actually, I do believe in marriage. And marriage is a lot of work... I didnt think so either til I got married 3 months ago... but all is well and I love married life!
Yes, I beleive in marriage. I had been married for 19 years now.

There´re down & up in marriage life but you CAN make your marriage work well only if :

You & your partner respect each other.
You & your partner show the love feeling each other.
You & your partner should be good listener each other with problems etc.
Many good opinions here and good topic. I believe in marriage as well, and that it should be a one time thing, as long as both shall live. My parents got divorced when I was young age, and my father has since been divorced 2 more times. My mother however remarried and I'm sure they will last forever as my stepfather is a great person and they are happy together. Im now 34 and never married and don't plan to follow my father's example. I would love to get married one day and have family, but I won't rush into it. There's also still the odd chance of something going wrong though. My step-sister's first marriage lasted only a few months before they got it annulled and they had been dating serious for like 4 years before they got married. Hmm... I'm gonna hafta ask her about that.

The woman I'm involved with now (but in limbo) is one who I honestly believe I could marry someday. But first we'd have to overcome our issues, and actually have a normal relationship for a good while instead of the screwed up situation we've dealt with along with long-distance online. In any case, that's all for the future to decide.

I do agree with the requirements SpiceHD posted above as well as agreeing with what many others have said.
Katzie said:
:ugh: "Until death do us apart" really scares me.

When DH and I exchanged our vows, we said this ".... I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." Sweet. I love that.

Really? ...I suppose every marriage vows are different....

' Until death do us apart ' doesn't scare me one bit, that means he can't leave me until the day I die :twisted: LOL
I myself do want to be married dont get me wrong, but all I am saying is that if two people love each other than why do you need a marriage certificate to prove that you are going to spend your life together?. I want the wedding, I want to walk down the aisle I want to share that very special day with the guy I love. But I dont think I need to do that to prove that I will be with him forever. That is all I am saying.
Yes, I believe in marriage.No life without wife/husband. Yes, it is true that successs of marriage is difficult task but can be achieved with little care of each other,without ego problem,understanding between two etc.Divorce within 10 to 15 years will ruin the life of children. :rl: :whip:
nandlal said:
Yes, I believe in marriage.No life without wife/husband. Yes, it is true that successs of marriage is difficult task but can be achieved with little care of each other,without ego problem,understanding between two etc.Divorce within 10 to 15 years will ruin the life of children. :rl: :whip:

If both of husband and wife go to the church much as they can. They keep in faithful with god. It will build a strong good family.
EH! I moved in with my boyfriend before I married him. I got pregnant before I got married. But we married under God, and we said our vow for each other and God proved us. I do believe in marriage, but living in together and then get married, I don't see any problem. If you are truely HONEST with your spouse, it will be fine. I don't believe that we should get married first and then live together. It is okay if people doesn't believe that or not.

I wanted to live with my boyfriend for a while and see how he take care of the household duties, and stuffs like that, and 10 months later, I married him and 3 months after we got married, we brought our son home from hospital.

My parents wasn't very happy when I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband), but I told them, it is MY life and I feel comfortable with that, and they accepted me.
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