Gossip about Alexander Bell Graham steal Helen Keller's dream about telephone?


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Apr 28, 2005
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Is that true about Alexander Bell Graham stole Helen Keller's dream about telephone? I do not remember about their story anyone of you knew about it from deaf hertiage book? Helen Keller was made the idea of telephone? How is that impossible? That she is blind and creating new invented telephone?
I have never heard of that before but now I have to look it up because I'm interesting in knowing that.
I do not have one of deaf heritage book that I could find it.

Do you have a book about Deaf Heritage?

That man name is Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone but deaf people overheard about Alexander Graham Bell's wife is deaf Helen Keller that who did made a new idea about telephone;then,Mr.Bell stole Helen's dream about telephone.
If you not know who he is the person look at it here

Jellybean said:
I have never heard of that before but now I have to look it up because I'm interesting in knowing that.
I'm ROFLMAOing cuz.....

AG Bell invented the phone 4 years BEFORE Helen Keller was born. Oh BTW Bell's wife was Mabel Hubbard Bell and ofc she's a deafie, but oral.


A pioneer in the field of telecommunications, Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He moved to Ontario, and then to the United States, settling in Boston, before beginning his career as an inventor. Throughout his life, Bell had been interested in the education of deaf people. This interest lead him to invent the microphone and, in 1876, his "electrical speech machine," which we now call a telephone. News of his invention quickly spread throughout the country, even throughout Europe. By 1878, Bell had set up the first telephone exchange in New Haven, Connecticut. By 1884, long distance connections were made between Boston, Massachusetts and New York City.
Oh I see thanks

Yes I see website ok cool you are the man! That I heard about gossip from my deaf school at Illinois School for the Deaf
Now that I know and realize that AG Bell was the one of who did invented. and who was married to Helen Keller or never been married ever since?

sablescort said:
I'm ROFLMAOing cuz.....

AG Bell invented the phone 4 years BEFORE Helen Keller was born. Oh BTW Bell's wife was Mabel Hubbard Bell and ofc she's a deafie, but oral.

AGB's original intention with his experiment to enable deafies hear. AGB never thought of telephpne first until the accident occured and his buddy was screaming for help with acid spill, AGB was in different room with the device and was able to hear his buddy clearly. Its more like intercom at first. Then they got the idea of Telephone and decided to go for this idea. What a shame!
Maybe I'm wrong...I heard that AGB was against use Sign Language. :confused:
Safari said:
Maybe I'm wrong...I heard that AGB was against use Sign Language. :confused:

actually yah u are right, he was against the idea of sign language.
I know a little about him but not much. There is a AGB house in where i live. But I have never went to visit the house.

I live here for my whole life and never went to see house.. lol :Oops:
AGB's original intention with his experiment to enable deafies hear
Yeah, it was supposed to be an auditory trainer thingy....he'd just disocvered that most deafies have some residual hearing, and as a matter of fact his descendants have an auditory-verbal practice in Mass.....
Yes, and more than that! He don't believe deaf can drive, tried to outlaw deaf to deaf marriage! Making law mandates that hearing people is to HELP deafies NO matter what! He almost successful destroyed deaf world!

There is too much to list what AGB did in attempt to destroy deaf world.
That is the reason I HATE him! He is more of destroyer than assisting.

Safari said:
Maybe I'm wrong...I heard that AGB was against use Sign Language. :confused:
Never liked Helen Keller. She liked communist manifesto. She was a commie nut.
Wow there is a lot of different gossip about AGB and HK too.

Wow I could not imagined that mostly of ADers knew about both of them comes from gossip and heard the story from movie,literature,history,and deaf heritage book too. I learn something from all of ADers that who already knew about them too. Thanks for informed and it was very interested from different stories too. Shaka :gossip:
Yea, one thing really kinda of startling me. Helen Keller ACTUALLY prefers blindness over deafness! I said WTF? Why? IMHO I think its crazier! But HK did answer WHY. She said that with sounds you could keep in touch with people, but not things. While deafies can't keep in touch with people but can only see things. Weird, eh? No matter what she thinks, I prefer deafness over blind cause I want to keep live to ride! If Im blind, I can't even ride!
diehardbiker65 said:
Yea, one thing really kinda of startling me. Helen Keller ACTUALLY prefers blindness over deafness! ... No matter what she thinks, I prefer deafness over blind cause I want to keep live to ride! If Im blind, I can't even ride!
Maybe Helen Keller would have a different opinion if she had an HD to ride back then! :D