GOP selective memory

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cool. curious - do you make a living relating to this political stuff?
Love the comment you were replying to here, something to do with how long it takes you to learn, compared to the OP. More personal attacks that go unblocked; similar to various digs taken at me. Zzzzzzzzzz.

For those looking for the right word, it is arrogance
Read the facts.. it was Bush that bankrupt the economy:

Conservatives claim Obama's policies are weakening the dollar. Let's examine the evidence. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

What's so funny is that "As early as July 2008—months before the presidential election—McCain economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin blamed the weak dollar on Obama."

"The expensive components of the bailout—the TARP, the formal assumption of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's debts, the rescue of AIG—started on Bush's watch, not on Obama's. What's more, the soaring deficit is as much a function of a collapse in tax revenues as of reckless new spending. Did you know that in the first two months of the current fiscal year, spending is actually down 4 percent from the first two months of last fiscal year? (Alas, revenues are down 4.3 percent.)"

Don't be talkin about spending!

The answer wasn't to spend an additional $1.4 trillion dollars over budget for 2009. If you have a credit card debt problem you don't solve your massive debt problem by charging more thinking it's a solution. That's exactly what obama is doing. Nor is it a time to expand the govt by adding more and more programs when the budgeted amount isn't there to cover it. And so on.
The answer wasn't to spend an additional $1.4 trillion dollars over budget for 2009. If you have a credit card debt problem you don't solve your massive debt problem by charging more thinking it's a solution. That's exactly what obama is doing. Nor is it a time to expand the govt by adding more and more programs when the budgeted amount isn't there to cover it. And so on.

Either way, you'd blame Obama for being cold and uncaring, not giving the people what they want.
Took him four days to respond to the attempted Christmas day terrorist attack onboard fllight 253?

There's a difference in having the right common sense than to thinking maxing out your credit cards is the answer to your debt problem or that buying more cars, houses and stuff is a good way to expand your "worth" when you never had any money to afford them in the first place. Sounds familiar in what we're seeing in this administration now? This is true for all other presidents who resorted to this type of spending mentality. Obama just put the rest of them to shame right now.
Took him four days to respond to the attempted Christmas day terrorist attack onboard fllight 253?

And it took how many days for Bush to respond to the Richard Reid incident? Six days?
And it took how many days for Bush to respond to the Richard Reid incident? Six days?

Both should've responded as soon as they gotten the appropriate information of a bombing attempt by letting the American people know the seriousness of it. And that the president is being mindfull of the public and not play golf constantly or host a party on average every 3 days (Obama).
Please tell me how many days of vacation did Bush have? Obama has already way more busy days than Bush ever had in his entire presidency.
Ok, again 9/11 and the anthrax attacks were Obama's fault. Nothing new under the sun...
Please tell me how many days of vacation did Bush have? Obama has already way more busy days than Bush ever had in his entire presidency.

A president is never on vacation. He/she is always connected. It's the image that's the problem.
And it took how many days for Bush to respond to the Richard Reid incident? Six days?

Why the constant comparisons to Bush? According to many here Bush was the worst. Why would you want to compare a President you support to the worst? HOORAY!!!!! We are not the worst!!!! Although this quote wasn't directed at one of my posts many have been. That point is moot with me. I didn't support Bush either.
Please tell me how many days of vacation did Bush have? Obama has already way more busy days than Bush ever had in his entire presidency.

Hmm...yeah. Yet on average the White House throws 1 party every 3 Days in 2009.

Obama's (Politically) Risky Golf Obsession
Obama's (Politically) Risky Golf Obsession - CBS News

Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush did in nearly three years...
President Obama ties George W. Bush on golf - Patrick Gavin

Yeah, really busy. More so than Bush. You got that right.
Please tell me how many days of vacation did Bush have? Obama has already way more busy days than Bush ever had in his entire presidency.

Obama did not have the mega-crisis like what Bush had. This post-wars Afghanistan & Iraq are NOTHING comparable to 9/11. I do not want our President to succumb to extreme stress and have Dick Cheney in charge?????

Beside - when Bush was on "vacation" at his Texas ranch, he was still working. If working at his Texas Ranch is more beneficial to his well-being than being at White House, then that's fine with me. I don't blame him and I sympathize because it was the job that nobody wants.... ever. Not even me. I would :Ohno: and hide under the desk like this boy.

"Is it over yet????" :lol:

Like Obama - whatever Bush did, he gets criticized and chastised. Let us not forget that Obama now is the luckiest President in the history to be provided with ABUNDANT AMOUNT of tools available at his disposal.... all created by Bush... and that did not exist in previous Administrations including GWB which severely limited the Presidential function in the time of crisis.
I'm no fan of GWB but I recognize his accomplishments and I praise him for it. Sure GWB made a lot of mistakes. Sure there are lot of questionable matter about him and his cronies. In the end - who cares? why? Tell me which President is a choir boy with a clean whistle.

But beside that.... I thank GWB for protecting us and to ensure that the future Presidents will have tools and protocols available to him/her in the time of crisis.
For one professing a deep interest it is certainly overly one-sided. Bias is not a product of the well informed who have a deep interest.
yep...arrogance.....and ignorance.
shrugs.....and gets bored with another's self love.
Why the constant comparisons to Bush? According to many here Bush was the worst. Why would you want to compare a President you support to the worst? HOORAY!!!!! We are not the worst!!!! Although this quote wasn't directed at one of my posts many have been. That point is moot with me. I didn't support Bush either.

Is Obama “Bush Lite”?
Bush Lite - Page 1 - The Daily Beast
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