Google Announces Worldwide 'Legalize Love' Campaign Plan


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Mar 23, 2005
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Google launched a new campaign on Saturday supporting the legalization of same-sex marriage around the world.

Dot 429 reports that the initiative, called "Legalize Love," debuted in Poland and Singapore, and "will focus on places with homophobic cultures, where anti-gay laws exist," though it will operate in every city in which Google has an office.

Google has indicated its support of the issue before. In 2008, the company published a blog post opposing a California amendment that would ban same-sex marriage (the amendment passed).

And on Valentine's Day of this year, the company ran a gay-marriage themed Google Doodle.

H/T Think Progress.

Google Announces Worldwide 'Legalize Love' Campaign Plan In Support Of Same-Sex Marriage

No quibbling, please. :ty:

Thank you to Google for support GLBT communities. :D