Good News for anyone !!!

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Mar 7, 2007
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Hi :grouphug:

Has anyone cared enough to share with you how simple it is to go to Heaven when this life is over?

Well here is the GOOD NEWS!

The gift of God is eternal life in Heaven, He gives the gift of salvation
freely to all who ask, no matter how late in their lives nor how sinful they have been.
Nobody is so bad that they can't be saved and nobody is good that they need not be saved.

God says that all who accept the sacrifice of His sinless son Jesus Christ as payment for
their sins will spend eternity in Heaven, a place where there is no more death, sorrow,
sickness and pain.

The Bible says it is like this , "For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave
His begotten Son ( Jesus ) , that whoever ( you and me ) believes in HIm should not
paerish but have everlasting life". John 3:16

Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God did on a cross, was buried, and came back to
life to pay for all of our past , present and future sins.

In the Bible Jesus said , " I am the door, if anyone enters by me , they Will Be Saved....John10:9

Jesus Christ maes it very simple and very clear that He and He alone can save us and give to us
eternal life in Heaven.

Even though Jesus Christ was born jew, Jewish people also need to receive Him as Lord and Saviour.

In the beginning of chapter 3 in the book of John, Jesus tells a Jewish leader named Nicodemus that
no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again, which means to be saved.

Here is another verse from the Bible where Jesus syas , " I am the way and the thruth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except thru me. " John 14:6

The Bible also says in Mark 1:15, " Repent and believe, that's the good news! "

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the payment for our sins, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave
is our receipt. That is the GOOD NEWS !

All we have to do is believe the good news and repent. This repentance is a change of mind that agrees with
God that one is a sinner, and also agrees with what Jesus did for us on the Cross.

Even nice people still need to recieve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This passage in the Bible says,
" ALL POPLE HAVE SINNED , and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23.

The Bible says again that , "Everyone who calls the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13

Right now, wherever you are , repenting , lift your heart to God and pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus Christ , I come to you the best way I know how. I beleive that you are the Son of God and
that You love me and want to save me . I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe
that You suffered and took the punishment for my sins and that You shed Your precious blood for me by
Your death on the cross. I also believe that You arose from the grave and that you did all this to give me
eternal life in Heaven . I now receive You into my heart and life as my Lord and Saviour. Lord Jesus Christ,
I thank You for forgiving me and for saving me thru Your merciful grace. Amen .

If you said and meant the prayer you're now and forever saved and on your way to Heaven. Welcome to the
family of God.

Salvation is not a reward but a gift. The Bible says it this way, " For it is by GRACE you have been SAVED, through
faith and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God. " Ephesians 2:8

Jesus said. " ...and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out."

Good post! May I add a sidebar and mention to you that the best Christians I know don't tell me of God's love toward me, they show me of God's love toward me.

I don't know if you're deaf or a hearie, but you need to know that being deaf is like a whole different culture; one that is somewhat close. We deafs and hoh's have plenty to say about "Christians" that try and do everything possible to us . . . everything from having us sit in the back in church (I have a hearing dog and had problems at two churches already) to calling us forward and laying hands on us so that God will "heal" our hearing. None of us feel like we're broken. I, for one, will never allow anyone to lay hands on me and pray for my hearing ever again.

When you get a chance, go to a search engine and look at deaf history and how the deaf have been treated. For starters, I am deaf, but I am not dumb. In fact, being dumb has nothing to do with being deaf, so that argument is out.

I'm sure others may post their feelings here. There are reasons for deafs to respond as they do, including me.

Good post! May I add a sidebar and mention to you that the best Christians I know don't tell me of God's love toward me, they show me of God's love toward me.

I don't know if you're deaf or a hearie, but you need to know that being deaf is like a whole different culture; one that is somewhat close. We deafs and hoh's have plenty to say about "Christians" that try and do everything possible to us . . . everything from having us sit in the back in church (I have a hearing dog and had problems at two churches already) to calling us forward and laying hands on us so that God will "heal" our hearing. None of us feel like we're broken. I, for one, will never allow anyone to lay hands on me and pray for my hearing ever again.

When you get a chance, go to a search engine and look at deaf history and how the deaf have been treated. For starters, I am deaf, but I am not dumb. In fact, being dumb has nothing to do with being deaf, so that argument is out.

I'm sure others may post their feelings here. There are reasons for deafs to respond as they do, including me.

Nice to meet you Pete , for I am born hard of hearing . I lost my hearing due to my mother had german measles. been hard of hearing all my life and know the feeling about hearing world being rude to deaf people and it is not easy life. I"ve been thru hell and back and so far doing pretty good in life. Still trying to survive in hearing world . Havent' been around much deaf friends some have move away and I have miss them dearly hope someday to see them all again . Thanks for note God Bless and have good day
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