Good gifts for a child who is deaf/Help with "the right thing to say"


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Mar 26, 2009
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I'm hoping some of you may have suggestions about gifts that would be good for a baby who is deaf. I have an adorable new nephew who has just been diagnosed as being profoundly deaf. He was born in January with a very serious heart defect that has already meant two open heart procedures, so getting him through that has been their main focus until now. They'd suspected he had a hearing loss as well, and now an in-depth audiology exam has confirmed profound sensorineural hearing loss.

I should say here that I have a child with Down syndrome, and I have always chafed at the idea that there is anything wrong with my son. He is who he is, and I think he's an amazing kid. I have the same feeling about Noah. So the last thing I want to do is to give my brother and sister in law the impression that I feel sorry for them. That being said, I know there will be an adjustment process for them, and that it's not going to be an easy road.

So what kinds of things would be helpful for them to hear right now? Is there any baby gift that would be especially thoughtful, or am I over-thinking this?

Thanks for any feedback. I hope I haven't worded any of this the wrong way. This is all new to me.
Now I'm not sure about baby's being deaf and having anything different, but I would say get the regular stuff, he can see right? one's that light up is always fun even if he can't hear, and vivid pretty color toys that he can chew on. I would say if you got any of those toys especially the flashy toys explaine you got them for the fun lights not the hearing. That way thye won't get offended. That's my advice.
I have a good friend that adopted two down syndrom babies and she has this cute bumper sticker that says my child has an extra chromosome than your child does. I smile at that! Anything you do for the baby I think will be great. It's the meaning that counts. Good job mom!
Would you want to make it as a gift for the baby... then I'd say just a normal baby's toy will do for the time being :D

If it is a gift for the parents just to brighten up their spirit and make them smile (cheer them up) I saw a gift-set with bib, bottle and pacifier that read in ASL *I love you*

If the gift is for the parents in a more serious way to show them support (not that you wouldn't support anyless) I'd go with a set of DVDs or something they can use later to teach the baby ASL...

Hope that helps :D

Adam has always received the same toys any child his 'age' would... And he's been deaf since birth... the black/white/red toys are GREAT b/c it helps stimulate them visually-- and of course the ones that light up (and lucky for me a LOT of them have 'controlable' volume on them b/c he might not hear it, but I do! LOL)

I love the idea JamieLynn had about the bib/bottle set... for the mom and dad
that's sweet!!!

My son has other health issues but he's always played just like most kiddo's... so for now-- traditional baby toys are perfect :) :)

(and I am like you-- Adam doesn't have 'disabilities' he's got special abilities~~ there's nothing WRONG with him... he's perfect to me!! )
Support and no judgement. The parents will need to know that you back them up whether they go all ASL or if they do bilateral CI's at 8 months old.
If it is a gift for the parents just to brighten up their spirit and make them smile (cheer them up) I saw a gift-set with bib, bottle and pacifier that read in ASL *I love you*


hey Jamie-- do you remember where you saw that?? was it online?? (I WANT ONE!! LOL)
Thanks, everybody!

Thanks to all of you for your very thoughtful replies!
I've already sent them some cute baby clothes that button up the front, which is what he's needed because he's still healing from his most recent open heart procedure. I was thinking more along the lines of some toys, so thanks for all of the suggestions there. I love the idea of the gifts that say "I love you" in ASL. Those are cool!

I do know that the audiologist talked to them about cochlear implants being a possibility for Noah when he's older (I think she said he'd need to wear hearing aids for 6 months + first.) I'm sure my brother and SIL will learn a lot more about the positives and negatives there. I certainly will support them in whatever they decide to do for Noah, since they know best what is right for him.
And once he's healthy enough to have visitors, I can't wait to see him! (They live 2000 miles away from us, unfortunately.)

Thanks again for your help!
No special gifts are is the thought that counts. I think the greatest gift u can give to them is your love and support.

Others got the right that are visual appealing would probably be more fun for your nephew that one that just plays noises only.

I was born deaf myself and all of my toys were what my hearing friends played with. :)
So what kinds of things would be helpful for them to hear right now?
Well since he has a double whammy, his parents may be thinking "
Oh this is nothing!"
Try to find as much info as ASL, educational programs etc etc. Maybe suggest that they check out this place? We LOVE having parents here!
Thanks to all of you for your very thoughtful replies!
I've already sent them some cute baby clothes that button up the front, which is what he's needed because he's still healing from his most recent open heart procedure. I was thinking more along the lines of some toys, so thanks for all of the suggestions there. I love the idea of the gifts that say "I love you" in ASL. Those are cool!

I do know that the audiologist talked to them about cochlear implants being a possibility for Noah when he's older (I think she said he'd need to wear hearing aids for 6 months + first.) I'm sure my brother and SIL will learn a lot more about the positives and negatives there. I certainly will support them in whatever they decide to do for Noah, since they know best what is right for him.
And once he's healthy enough to have visitors, I can't wait to see him! (They live 2000 miles away from us, unfortunately.)

Thanks again for your help!

Hopefully you can see him, hold him and love on him SOON!!!

What they told me if I was interested in Adam getting CI's was they try to aid them by 3 months old so at a yr they can do CI... Faire-- I think you have more knowledge of this then I do... At this time Adam doesn't qualify for CI b/c he's moderate in one ear still.

:hug: to your family on their very special gift (Noah) :D