Good Afternoon/Morning(Depends when you read this)


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
Well I'm new to the site, I just found out about it today. I just you know really want to browse and get a feel of the Deaf community.

I am hearing, in case someone was wondering.
I have been practicing ASL for about 5 years? 4 years in highschool and I'm starting up again in College. I really would love to become an interpreter, or at least a teacher of ASL.
It really is such a beautiful language, how you can paint a picture in the air is what I really love.

So this is my Hi to you all I hope I am welcome hear

oh btw if anyone plays video games PS3 mainly my 360 has broken >_<
Friend Request me my PSN name is the same as my name here, KreenAkrore

Anyways peace and love,
see you around the forum
:welcome: You are the second of your sub-group to arrive today. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Just have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: