Goldberg suffering from 'hearing loss'


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Apr 18, 2004
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Goldberg suffering from 'hearing loss' |

The Oscar winner attended the Starkey Hearing Foundation's So the World May Hear Awards Gala in support of her deaf pal Marlee Matlin in July (11), and now Goldberg confesses her presence at the party had an even more personal meaning - she is also hard of hearing.

She tells the National Enquirer, "I attribute my own hearing loss - which, by the way, is suffered by thousands of people in varying degrees - to years and years of listening to music so loudly and so close to the delicate ear drum."

According to the publication, Goldberg now wears small hearing aids under her lengthy locks of hair to help her hear low tones.

The actress has also become an advocate for the foundation, urging teens to turn down their speakers, so they don't suffer the same fate.
Another case of "too soon old, too late smart."

Interesting that the article says the hearing aids are to "help her hear low tones." You'd think she would have a high-frequency loss if her hearing loss truly is from exposure to noise.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Maybe it's genetic. It's very different from noise induced hearing loss.
Could be. The article says she blames it on "years and years of listening to music so loudly."

Maybe the reporter got it wrong about the aids helping to hear "low" tones. Perhaps he meant "soft" tones. Or maybe she's wrong about the cause of it.

Anyway, interesting stuff.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Noise loss is usually at 4k, isn't it?
The reporter probably doesn't know about how decibel levels work. She probably used what she thought was a fancy way of saying "quiet sounds."
Cool! I love the Whoop! We have a couple of things in ancestry and Jewish.:lol: I have no doubt how she will handle her hearing loss.
Cool! I love the Whoop! We have a couple of things in ancestry and Jewish.:lol: I have no doubt how she will handle her hearing loss.

I thought she was great in Ghost.
Whoopie Goldberg?

i thnk so, it says locks, meaning it has to be, and soon she'd be hearing real ghosts lol
(tinnitus noises)
poor her, its no fun for anyone
yes she's great actor, big cheesy smiles but at same time we know its a real smile uncanny. She has a gift with a smile like that, infectionous.
good for Whoopi to advertise the need for awareness... it is a twofold benefit because she is role modeling for those who are older and too afraid or ashamed to get hearing aids...