Going to columbia in November wooo


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
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I cant wait too go, anybody else been there and know of some good sites im heading to the cathedral and museum and old spanish fort anybody else know any good sites?
Columbia? lol

well good luck with that.

there wasnt a better central/south american country to fall out to? Personally Costa Rica is where id go to if i were in your shoes.
whats wrong with columbia? bet you wouldnt go

out of all places, i dont think dealing with cartels and a dictator who is anti-american as it gets is attractive, thats all. But its cool dude, i wish you luck and hope it works out, yo.
Columbia, you kidding, right? Not a good place for the tourists cause there are lot of the drug wars between government troops and guerrillas going on.
out of all places, i dont think dealing with cartels and a dictator who is anti-american as it gets is attractive, thats all. But its cool dude, i wish you luck and hope it works out, yo.

I think you're talking about Chavez and Venezuela, right?
what its dangerous yeah thats why im going thats what makes it so cool, ive been to nicaragua, many states in mexico etc detroits more dangerous than columbia erhmm
You should try considering Puerto Rican, anyway good luck, you will need it
well i live near detroit i see the city as a shit city.
columbia, i don't know which place columbia is at. there is lot of places name columbia
U mean Colombia?
I think that's what he means. It sure doesn't sound like the capital of my state, Columbia, SC! :lol:

He better check his plane ticket before leaving--he might end up in redneck country by mistake! :rofl:
I think that's what he means. It sure doesn't sound like the capital of my state, Columbia, SC! :lol:

He better check his plane ticket before leaving--he might end up in redneck country by mistake! :rofl:

Or he could end up in ritzy Columbia, MD..LOL! That's only 20 mins from where I live so maybe he can pay me a visit. :laugh2:
Here's a list of Columbia cities around the US.

Columbia, AL (pop. 804)
Columbia, CA (pop. 2405)
Columbia, CT (pop. 4971)
Columbia, IL (pop. 7922)
Columbia, KY (pop. 4014)
Columbia, LA (pop. 477)
Columbia, ME (pop. 459)
Columbia, MD (pop. 88254)
Columbia, MS (pop. 6603)
Columbia, MO (pop. 84531)
Columbia, NH (pop. 750)
Columbia, NY (pop. 1630)
Columbia, NC (pop. 819)
Columbia, PA (pop. 10311)
Columbia, SC (pop. 116278)
Columbia, SD (pop. 140)
Columbia, TN (pop. 33055)
Columbia, VA (pop. 49)
Columbia, WA (pop. 1426)


He could be visiting Columbia River between WA and Oregon, who knows?
anyone else coming with?, and puerto ricos next year might go with a guy from work hes from there
You should see if they have any donkey shows there like Mexico.
The only time I've been to Bogota was to change planes to and from Ecuador. The airport was OK. :lol:
Just don't drink the water.
But, which drink of water? from Bottle or from faucet.
In Egypt can't control of yourself, which is best with the water bottle at the tourist Foods. My friend was there and got a fresh water bottle, so she got flu. poor!!!