Girl's Text Messages Save Grandfather's Life


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May 27, 2005
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Hicksville, N.Y.--A 9-year-old girl is credited with saving her grandfather by sending a text message with her cell phone.

Joe Barella, 78, had just lost his wife. His granddaughter, Brooklyn Levinson, 9, was sleeping over at his home last weekend to keep him company.
At breakfast he became unresponsive.
"I thought he was crying because my grandmother passed away, and thought I should give him a moment," Brooklyn said.
But Barella wasn't deep in thought--he was in cardiac arrest.
Brooklyn didn't know what was happening, so she shot off concerned text messages to her mother.
She also sent video recorded by the cell phone of Barella slumped over his breakfast. It was enough to send Brooklyn's mother into high gear, rushing him to the hospital with moments to live.
"There is no question she saved his life", said her mother, Janine Levinson. "They were losing him."
Doctors said Barella suffered from undiagnosed arrhythmia.
"She definitely had a major impact on him being alive today," Dr. Dennis Ketchis, of North Shore University Hospital, said about Brooklyn.
Barella is expected to make a full recovery and to be released from the hospital later this week. He said he's planning a big celebration and a big purchase--a camera phone.
OldNavyGirl said:
interesting story, but where did you find that information?
:wiggle: Where I live in Rhode Island, we get Channel 10 news, and they also have a website called "Turn to 10", the news gets emailed to every 4 hours, I had gotten this newcast emailed to me at 4:00.

For a 9 year old girl, she did a pretty clever thing text messaging her Mom and taking pictures. Most kids at that age would have panicked. She did alright.
CODAchild said:
...For a 9 year old girl, she did a pretty clever thing text messaging her Mom and taking pictures. Most kids at that age would have panicked. She did alright.
Is she Deaf? Is that why she didn't just use the phone to call?
Reba said:
Is she Deaf? Is that why she didn't just use the phone to call?
:wave: Hi Reba!!!
It didn't say, I think she just panicked because she was alone with her grandfather, and knowing something was wrong with him, this was the quickest way to get to her mother, to let her know about her father.

I was wondering the same thing myself.
that's wonderful for 9 years old girl save her Grandfather's life. She is very smart girl. :)
Wow, thats wonderful of her doing that to save her grandfather.

But I wonder myself...why didn't she use the phone to call or something...what if her mom don't check the text message or something like that?
BabyAngel said:
Wow, thats wonderful of her doing that to save her grandfather.

But I wonder myself...why didn't she use the phone to call or something...what if her mom don't check the text message or something like that?
:wiggle: Hi Baby Angel, I guess her mom bought her the cell phone if she needed to talk to her mom. In this case, the girl had the cell phone in her hand and text her mom with a picture, figuring this way would be faster, which it was because the Grandfather only had a few minutes to live.

That is a good question, unless her grandfather's phone had been in another room, she decided to use her cell phone.

With her fast decisions, she bought her Grandfather a second chance at life, and now her Grandfather wants to buy a cell phone too.
I think she may have used texting because it was a quite way to ask her mom questions and give information without disturbing him. She probably, at 9, wasn't sure if he just needed quiet time and wasn't responding or was seriously in trouble.
My mom went into diabetic convulsions from a low blood sugar when I was 8. When she wouldn't respond I picked up the phone and dialed the first number that came to mind, my grandma's, and she was the one who called 911. I probably could dial her number as fast as 911, since I called her like all the time. My mom was okay, although she had to stay in the hospital overnight she was home by morning.
Okay, that was a totally random tangent but yeah..'s late..
At least she contacted somebody and got the help! That's good news about saving her grandfather's life!
wow, she must be smart girl!!!!!!!!!!!! her parents and grandfather must be proud of her.... wow...