Ghost words... *it's a game but FUN!*


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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You would have to look at the picture really GOOOOOOD and find a WORD and type it to find answer...

eek im on Round 3, 7th level and still struggle!!!
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Hmm... interesting. I'm gonna have to check that out. :thumb:
ARGH im Stuck on RD 3 2nd level what was that answer i keep typing but it no showy the right answer i wanna pass that sheesh LOL!
that mountain with cloud then all i see is a H thats it i can't see it ALL ARGHHHHHHHHHHH
javapride said:
that mountain with cloud then all i see is a H thats it i can't see it ALL ARGHHHHHHHHHHH
Don't worry about that stupid pic but it's has words SHOWN!!!!!
its tooo small for me to read IM actually Standing IN the montior's frame so i can read closly i see a S Y A O W
javapride said:
its tooo small for me to read IM actually Standing IN the montior's frame so i can read closly i see a S Y A O W
keep study that word... you will get it!!

now figuring this FLAT LINED thing, umm stasel trasel tassel ?
javapride said:

now figuring this FLAT LINED thing, umm stasel trasel tassel ?
now you have to fiqure it out all yourself, i can't give you all the hints cuz others will read this.. soo good luck
PM me and I'll give you hints. I'm at Level 14. Now, I'm taking a break. Will work on the rest tomorrow. :thumb:
hehehe im the one who sent coolie link. I got as far as lvl round 3 lvl 6 but didnt have time before i left for work.
Titandg said:
hehehe im the one who sent coolie link. I got as far as lvl round 3 lvl 6 but didnt have time before i left for work.
yes you did but i thought you are on 16 level.. seshh you got me messed with my mind grr.. j/k

well im still on round 3, level 7 now and still struggle arrghh