ghost story in usa website

What was on that website you saw?

Was it a website with a listing of ghost sightings, a collection of ghost pictures, a collection of ghost videos, a listing of where you can find ghosts, etc?
lol it is scary. it call urban :lol: peope dont believe or believe know ghost. hard say tell!

They're just posting mean ghost jumping stuff because they know I"ll watch it anyway and I get scared easily with ghosty stuff! >.<
They're just posting mean ghost jumping stuff because they know I"ll watch it anyway and I get scared easily with ghosty stuff! >.<
:lol: I don't want to see anymore ghost. I scary! not fun! it is scary. lollol easy pathetic.... hahaha lol. call paranormal ghost is crazy! not funny I avoid touch . I said no way touch watch I said dont want to watch. stay away! :lol:

I should have known with that peaceful music in the background that was hard to hear...

Thanks for the laugh though. That was hilarious!
I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eyes at my house, but when I focus, theres nothing there. Sunday, my can of soda fell off the table and rolled across the room, I somewhat heard, more of felt a thud and the vibration across the floor. I didn't know where it came from and Im looking through the house, lastly I seen my can of soda in the middle of the room???? It was an un opened can I had sitting on the table, how it ended up on the floor I don't know. But my house is haunted, so far friendly hauntings.

get a leveler you done something wrong diy or remember drink soda on its own.or are you in mild earthquake be stronger than that before i got some residual energy in that area proberly
get a leveler you done something wrong diy or remember drink soda on its own.or are you in mild earthquake be stronger than that before i got some residual energy in that area proberly
I don't know if I posted it or not, but my house is haunted.
I was approached by a fellow, his family was the second family to own the house ( he was a child then)
He gave me some background on the house... It was a man and his wife, the man built the house in 1925 for a total of $1200. He did it all himself, he was a loner/DIYer. He didn't like people helping him and wanted to be left alone. He had a stroke then suffered Alzheimer's Disease and couldn't remember anything nor work anymore, He became severely depressed and hung himself in the basement. Shortly after his wife passed away ( both were old in their 80's-90's ) The fellow told me they always heard stuff and hair would stand up on the back of their necks all the time, as well as felt someone was watching them. Its funny because I have experienced that before this. Also my dog would not go into the room leading to the basement nor would she go in the basement from the outside door, she would fight tooth and nail not to go in the basement, which was odd. She would run through the house but come to a dead stop at the doorway, throw her ball and she would religiously retrieve it, throw it in that room and she would dead stop.... Tell me its me? Nope, there is a force there even a dog feels. Ive made peace with the spirits and so far its been peaceful, a few noises and movements but all is cool with me there fixing up the place, it has calmed down a lot since I first started on the house gutting it, guess they like the new look and that Im fixing it.
got residual energy...i believe if someone was in an acute emotional state that area picks up something..scientist will discover it one day..i like to think it something more than imagination but will never know this side of life.
was watching TAPs at Myrtals plantation THAT SPOOKY
I watch PRS with Ryan Buell, the show is pretty cool. I was bored one night and started researching stuff, found out Ryan is Bisexual and trying to go straight , he is also battling Pancreas Cancer as well. Amazing what you can find on the web, he has a facebook page as well as other pages on twitter and such.
:lol: I don't want to see anymore ghost. I scary! not fun! it is scary. lollol easy pathetic.... hahaha lol. call paranormal ghost is crazy! not funny I avoid touch . I said no way touch watch I said dont want to watch. stay away! :lol:

It IS scary!!! D=
Are you referring to the ghost caught on camera during the filming of a car commercial?
Real ghost caught on camera during a car commercial - YouTube
