Getting rich is more simple than you think . . .

Heath said:
Endymion, Good Find !!!!

Yes, excellent article. It’s always refreshing to find somebody who presents information in simple terms. I’ve read that studies have shown that millionaires generally do not have a higher intelligence than the general population. The one thing that they do have in common though, is a workaholic mentality. They just work hard, save, and most importantly, invest.

May I ask if you experiment on dogs in your Research Facilitiy because you really posted something utterly degrading to anyone who loves dogs on another thread and subject but I could not read anything else in that one spot.

Do you have any respect for animals and dogs??

Because they are half human with hearts and have just as many feelings as you do. To post something that you did before about the dog please don't do that again.
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Ummm, when old Lev said he has to raise his boxers further up his body, I am sure he didn't mean it the way you think.
what if I worked 8 hours...

$80 a day
$400 a week
$1600 a month
$19,200 a year

And give my mom $1,200 for rent a year, and the old car is paid for, but my mom's car insurance covered the old car and her car.

And put my money $18,000 in my own safe fireproof lockbox at home every year, so that Uncle Sam won't touch my money.
So if 5 years pass - I would save $90,000 in my lockbox.
If 10 years pass - I would save $180,000 in my lockbox.
If 15 years pass - I would save $270,000 in my lockbox.
If 20 years pass - I would save $360,000 in my lockbox.

And after that, I can retired.