Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

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If I told you where I worked, then you would take anything I say as the opinion of where I work. What I say is my opinion and no-one elses. Therefore, where I work I will not disclose and frankly doesn't matter.

People can take what I say for what its worth. It is an opinion that was posted that they can read free of charge. I you doubt any technical information I have posted, feel free to disregard it. For those that aren't so opinionated, they may actually learn something.


Still the rhetoric. Keep going. You are ruining your own credibility with your intentional obtuseness.
Jilllio/PFH- that is odd you spiel about obtuseness-intentional?- of crazyone-gee read yours! Not to be dogmatic, of course.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jilllio/PFH- that is odd you spiel about obtuseness-intentional?- of crazyone-gee read yours! Not to be dogmatic, of course.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Dude, could you stop trying to make yourself appear so intelligent and just say what you are trying to say. You are using vocab incorrectly and it makes your posting senseless.
Jillio: what is "obtuse" about the previous comment- your spieling? Reread your comments.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jillio: what is "obtuse" about the previous comment- your spieling? Reread your comments.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

You are still doing it. Check the contextual definitions of words before you attempt to link them together.

She is like a little anti-cochlear implant Energizer Bunny going from thread to thread arguing with posters. LOL

She keeps arguing and arguing and....


That's what you choose to see. Remove the blinders.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.. round and round!
And now i see we've started name calling. My turn, my turn!:lol:
Hmm I believe that was an analogy. Not name calling.. I could be wrong!
Now, waht about that confusion over whether to get a CI or not? Are we only allowed to post the pros?
Well since your so hell bent on the negs.. please feel free to post them... it just add's to the many many redudant post's you have done...
Using the term like... doesn't mean that he is calling you a name.. HE is just comparing two Like things together.. which I would like to state..... +1
Well since your so hell bent on the negs.. please feel free to post them... it just add's to the many many redudant post's you have done...

I didn't ask about "negs". The proper wording is "cons". As in "pros and cons". That does not necessarily translate into postive and negative.
Using the term like... doesn't mean that he is calling you a name.. HE is just comparing two Like things together.. which I would like to state..... +1

Oh, now you are able to understand posts. Amazing. Indicates the selectiveness in your reading.

How about dem CIs?
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