

New Member
Mar 22, 2008
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If one parent has been hearing their whole life, and they want to marry someone that was hearing for about 15 years of their life then lost their hearing due to music or something, is deafness still genetic?
O.o, yeah, deafness aquired as a result of overexposure to loudness may be genetic.. only to the extent of the shared stupidity in exposing yourself to loud sounds without protection.
No, deafness is not genetic if the person became deaf due to environmental factors. If they were born deaf for no reason, then it is more likely due to the genetic factor.
Becoming deaf to something that was not properly cared for is likely not to be genetic.

If I became deaf because I got sick, got hurt, had a stroke, became older, etc... that doesn't mean my kid will be born deaf. I was born hearing... so I've technically got hearing genes.