Gay weddings soon to be performed in Oregon too...



Meanwhile, a crowd of gay couples was expected to go to the county administration building in Portland, Ore. Wednesday after a county commissioner there said she would begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

In Oregon, Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn directed the county to begin issuing such licenses, after consulting with the county attorney, but without an official vote from the four other county commissioners.

The head of an Oregon gay rights group said a crowd of gay couples would go to the county administration building in Portland on Wednesday for the licenses. A county judge said she was ready to conduct the weddings.

"Many of these couples have been waiting decades, and this is the first time they've been seen as equal under the law," said Roey Thorpe, executive director of Basic Rights Oregon.

Seems like gay weddings are going to be performed in more and more places. :)
Full article can be seen here:
I would be surprise if something happen in Oregon after I look at the key legend about Oregon - "State without laws that ban same-sex marriages"
Gay Couples Start Tying Knot in Oregon
By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI, Associated Press Writer

PORTLAND, Ore. - Gay and lesbian couples started tying the knot in Portland on Wednesday after the county issued same-sex marriage licenses, joining the rapidly spreading national movement in San Francisco and upstate New York.

In Oregon, about 50 people lined up for a sudden chance to wed after a Multnomah County commissioner said she would begin issuing the licenses to same-sex couples.

An ebullient Mary Li held up the very first certificate _ showing her and her partner's name under the Oregon seal.

"I can't describe how great it feels," Li said. She and her partner Rebecca Kennedy were also the first to be married, by a county judge.

Gay bar owners handed out free glasses of champagne and many couples carried bouquets of roses.

On Tuesday, Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn directed the county to begin issuing same-sex wedding licenses after consulting with the county attorney. Three of the other four commissioners affirmed her decision Wednesday.

"We will not allow discrimination to continue when the Constitution of the state of Oregon grants privileges equally to all citizens," Naito said.

Portland has long been viewed as a bastion of liberalism, but opposition from Oregon's Republican leadership was swift.

"I'm very upset that this travesty is taking place in Oregon. It definitely is an insult to the voters and to the people," said Kevin Mannix, chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, who called for the attorney general to put a halt to the marriages immediately.

Two protesters yelled at the couples across a yellow police tape as officers kept watch.

Among those in line early Wednesday was Christine Tanner, who won a landmark Oregon Court of Appeals ruling in 1998 requiring all state and local governments to offer spousal benefits to the same-sex domestic partners of their employees.

"There are only so many big events in people's lives _ birth, marriage and death," said Tanner, who waited to wed her partner of 19 years. "It's a big deal. For us, this is symbolic."