Gas Prices to go down? Good Idea !!!!!

sequoias said:
dang I wish Seattle allowed ATV on the streets, that would be cool! Up to 85 mpg sounds good!
What are their top speed?
It won't go down til war is over... When back to 1979, there's gas crisis and limited oil to make cost went up to around $1.50 or so in early 80's but for inflation that people make around $1.50-$2 per hours in late 70's and early 80's that where life is got hard than today. My mom was started work at registered nurse in early 80's and she made $9 per hours. Gas prices went down around $1 per gallon in early 90's after Persian War is over.

War is bad and make federal tax goes higher than average but it will going down after war is over too. End War Now!!! Stupid Bush!!! :pissed:
PurrMeow said:
I doubt that. I watched news on tv and they said that the gas probably going up again around at the holiday of Memorial Weekends. I hope not. I can't stand this shyt prices going up to nearly three dollars

It's already $3 in our area.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i read somewhere in msn news.. one of the reporters stated that one of economist says in year 2010 the gas prices will be cheaper to about 2.10 per gal :confused: i somewhat find that odd. but it can be true... because less people are using gas and more people are owning hybrid, etc..

i also read somewhere in other article that they're trying to increase the gas prices because the oil supply is fading out.. and encourage people to find alternative method.

it's probably after war is over and end of Bush's term, then change the oil that get other countries for cheap one. If not get better then they would inventing new hybrid car with 100% electric and 0% gas so people don't need gas anymore. It would hurts USA economy due lacking to use gas like lost alot of taxes.

Change the batteries for after 15,000 miles so that's not bad, just cost like around $100-$300.
Cheri said:
I heard that they're going to increase the gas to 5.00 per gallon this summer. Holy smokey! :pissed:

Yes it will hit 5 buck or high. Crude oil is too stubborn contiune higher price since last three years ago. Here is snapshot. So share with all people look at it.


This morning crude oil hit 71.00 breakout from year ago was 70.85. This week i will post for update.
The reason why gas prices are accelerating is because it's the Summer season.

Consumption of gasoline increases up to and in the Summer because more people leave their houses and go on vacations. Because more people buy gasoline, the prices rise.

In the winter, the prices will drop again. Though they won't be as low as 1.50, I'm certain!

They call this "seasonal variation."
VamPyroX said:
What are their top speed?
32-20-13 LICENSING Any all-terrain vehicle with four or more wheels and with a combustion engine having a piston or rotor displacement of two hundred cubic centimeters or more may be licensed as a motorcycle pursuant to chapter 32-5 to be used on a public highway. Prior to being licensed the all-terrain vehicle shall meet the necessary light, brake, and other vehicle accessory requirements provided by chapters 32-15, 32-17, and 32-18 that are applicable to motorcycles. The licensed all-terrain vehicle may not be operated on the interstate highway system.


so i assume whatever the street speedlimit is. that's the limit.
PurrMeow said:
Where is your area?
It just went up arghh I cant stand it to keep going up..

Van Nuys, district from city of LA. It's common to see in anywhere in LA metro, San Diego and SF.
TFWFalcon said:
Yes it will hit 5 buck or high. Crude oil is too stubborn contiune higher price since last three years ago.

I don't think it will get that high for the simple reason it would tank the economy big time. The higher it goes beyond 3.00 the economy will definitely reflect it and people will start to ease up on non-essential driving. I think we are going to see yo-yo prices for a while at some point.

Of course, there is the political help either.