Garden Veggies/Fowers/Lawn?


New Member
Dec 1, 2012
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Do you have a garden?

What does it produce?
Would you like to have a garden?
What do you want from your garden -- flowers, veggies, something green to look at and walk on?

Yes, I think of lawn grass as part of gardening. Wish my lawn looked better but I put a lot of time into the veggie and flower gardens. Wish they looked better, too :).
fowers? thats new to me -- I am sure you meant flowers . LOL ! :giggle:

I grow a big garden every year. - so big I need to use my tractor and 3 point hitch tiller. potatoes- both red and white. green peppers, cucumbers, onions, celery, cabbage, pumpkins, cantaloupes, corn, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, sunflowers, peas, radish, lettuce, zucchini. I planted numerous other veggies but they all dont do well in my type of soil. I also have a patch of strawberries just for eating that I started probably 8 years ago or so and its still growing. I may have to do away with it and redo it somewhere else so I can get big berries again. Some of you will notice sunflowers in the mix- I eat them and love it. I also love the bees that it attracts. they are much better then the darn hornets and wasps. Ever since I planted so many sunflowers ( had 2 40 ft rows of it planted 1 inch apart looks like a fence)- they were great keeping other pests away.

oh and lawns? gotta keep it mowed twice a week with a 5 foot mower.

Yeah, and I can't edit a title! :lol:

Well, I wanted to include fowers . . . and lawn if anyone wanted to talk about 'em. I grow too many f owers.

Food holds my interest better ;). Berries! I just planted a little strawberry bed 2 years ago and had a bunch off it last year! The one I had before was in morning shade and just wouldn't produce. The new bed isn't in the best location - around the trunk of a tree - but it seems to have done well. Ever-bearing and there were berries right up until frost :).
Having just moved into this house, we are slowly working on the interior and still unpacking. However, we will be putting in a vegetable garden, some flowers (we have massive allergies and asthma to deal with) and then some shrubs and such.
Don't plant .

. . Radioman's Sunflowers, KristinaB!

They are usually very tall, and all this stuff falls off them whenever you walk by! I have more allergy problems around the sunflowers than just about anything else.

But, the birds like 'em and I still grow 'em ;). The birds like the bugs that show up around the garden too so I try to do them a favor by growing a little sunflower seed for them.
i have garden small lawn flower beds and a little pond because i love frogs and newts and some rare newts and frogs in my area only native to this part of country crested newt and natterjack toad
the lawn unfortunatly used by every cat in area to dump on and it puts me off doing work on it
We have roses, and pear, peach, and apple trees. Also we have lots of cedar trees, and I keep rescuing the little volunteers. If I live long enough, it will be in a pine forest.

In summer my husband grows many variety of vegetables, but we do compete a lot with rabbits and deer to get this produce. :P
Just flowers. My hubby takes care of them whe i ask him to. :lol: No veggies since we are not interested in taking care of veggies. yeah that would be saver of money but oh well.

My girlfriends gave me the homemade maple syrup couple of days ago. I am so thrilled!! so i plan to make maple cookies soon. :aw:
Just flowers. My hubby takes care of them whe i ask him to. :lol: No veggies since we are not interested in taking care of veggies. yeah that would be saver of money but oh well.

My girlfriends gave me the homemade maple syrup couple of days ago. I am so thrilled!! so i plan to make maple cookies soon. :aw:

always thought you single ff....i chucked a couple of peach stones into garden last year and they growing well...
got couple of roses,when i moved i took little spoon of earth from motherinlaw grave,i put the rose in last year and noticed one single little flower has just flowered today
I don't have enough room here at home for much more than a little greenhouse and a couple beds that start off each year under plastic.

The greenhouse makes it so that I can have lots of plants. So . . . off I go to a couple of friends' property where we have gardens. Yes, I am a commuting gardener :giggle:. At one time, I was a community gardener and that was fun - I had lots of gardening neighbors for several years.

In Great Britain, those are called allotment gardens.
I love to garden. I start my seedlings in March.

My usual crop is tomatoes, peppers, scallions, chives, cucumbers, zucchini (surprisingly easy and GIANT to grow), and pumpkin. Sometimes I'll also plant a sunflower.
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Used to gave a vegetable garden when I lived in the Country (NC) I just have a flower garden...looking forward to Spring!
I think I crave good, growing-season weather.

Winter can be beautiful but, for me, it is only something to observe and . . . endure. With good weather, a gardener can participate. And, the garden gives back. It is still giving back - Potatoes, onions, leeks, parsnips, carrots . . . I can't get them all in the kitchen fridge so they are in a cooler I am having to bring into the utility room thru most of the day. Except the potatoes & onions that are in the basement and what is already in the freezer.

Many flowers on those many tomato plants, Shimo! I hope they gave you many tomatoes. Thank you for sharing the video :) !
always thought you single ff....i chucked a couple of peach stones into garden last year and they growing well...
got couple of roses,when i moved i took little spoon of earth from motherinlaw grave,i put the rose in last year and noticed one single little flower has just flowered today

Oh. Cool.
I am setting up my yard with hardscape. Then can put in raised garden beds to protect the plants from the squirrels that love to dig ever3ywhere and the ground hog that visits my yard daily. Hardscape makes it more interesting and means less mowing
. . . Hardscape makes it more interesting and means less mowing

And, it usually makes it easier to move around out there. More interesting if you have an eye for that sort of thing.

My gardens were finally all in 4' wide beds last year. There is only one path with boards but all the paths are permanent (until I go nuts and make some more changes ;)). That also helps with weeds since I'm stomping up and down those paths with my big feet. I can carry a stool around and park myself and pull weeds out of the beds. I do walk on those beds - like once a year :).

Some of my garden beds have been there for over 15 years but it only really took about 3 years before they were in a condition where I could plunge a spading fork in them right down to the full depth of the tines at anytime. It isn't even necessary to step on the fork to get it down to its full 11 1/2"!

I'm likely to go nutz this year by adding a little more ground to one garden. Two neighbors want me to take over a little of their ground. It will mean another 1/4 acre . . . Right now, I'm trying to gear up to that challenge just trying to imagine what I'll do with all that ground :scatter: !
you must be careful of hardcore on the garden they worried about water so lucky to have ground hogs they look so sweet...
i also been thinking of getting raised flower beds so much better for my back,i go on our local beach,beach combing,i found 1940's morter box it still got issue batch numbers and states bomb morters on it,so i puts lots of orange flowers in it and looks like it explodinng it eye catching...i love getting containers that unusual like pair of boots treat them make them hard and water proof...container can be really cool if got small garden
In summer my husband grows many variety of vegetables, but we do compete a lot with rabbits and deer to get this produce. :P

Yeah - I compete with them too -- cant do a darn thing about deer. I used fishing line as a invisible fence and deere cant see it and they dont like the feel. I also plant stuff in onion family on outside of garden as a deterrent. The other small furry brats - I trap em and get rid of them when I can. it reduces the problem but doesnt get rid of it.

I love to garden. I start my seedlings in March.

My usual crop is tomatoes, peppers, scallions, chives, cucumbers, zucchini (surprisingly easy and GIANT to grow), and pumpkin. Sometimes I'll also plant a sunflower.
Oh yeah they are easy. nothing to it.

I think I crave good, growing-season weather.

Winter can be beautiful but, for me, it is only something to observe and . . . endure. With good weather, a gardener can participate. And, the garden gives back. It is still giving back - Potatoes, onions, leeks, parsnips, carrots . . . I can't get them all in the kitchen fridge so they are in a cooler I am having to bring into the utility room thru most of the day. Except the potatoes & onions that are in the basement and what is already in the freezer.

Many flowers on those many tomato plants, Shimo! I hope they gave you many tomatoes. Thank you for sharing the video :) !

all in fridge? are you nuts? sorry for being blunt but that not what I do. carrots can be left in garden all winter. you just dig them up anytime. be sure you have sticks to poke above snow so you can find them. potatoes - I just dry them out so dirt can fall off from it and put in a crate and leave it in the coolest part of house. no heat. just have cool air blowing around it. I dont have a root cellar or basement so I put it in my closet downstairs furthest away from heat source. They will last all winter no problem. If you have any spouts - that means it a bit too warm. I just save them for next year planting. no problem. I hang my onions too but they are always gone by winter or mid winter so no problem there.
Also have a fridge in the carport but nothing is left in there or it would be frozen solid! It's winter but we don't always have much of an insulating cover of snow. It was 7°F this morning and there's not 3" of snow on the ground.

It is likely to be quite a ways below zero most any winter, most any veggie left out there will be damaged or killed.

Cover things with a mulch during the winter? I've got that in the perennials but much of the ground in the veggie gardens has already been cultivated and is mostly ready for spring planting!

Oh Caz, that's a minus 14°Celsius this morning and we can expect several nights colder that minus 20°C.
Reading this makes me realizes how much I miss the gardening. I love and always wanted to cross pollinate lilies, especially oriental stargazer lilies, hence my username.

Among various veggies I grow, I like to grow tomatos to make homemade mariana sauce, and carrots for homemade chicken soup. Yummy!

I stopped gardening three years ago, thanks to tiny nasty bugs called tick. :(