Gaming Convention


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Mar 29, 2009
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Hmm not sure if this is the appropriate posting area but will any AD'ers be going to GenCon in Indianapolis? I'll be there!

Gen Con LLC Indy 2009: Home
Hmm... this sounds fun.

If I had the time and money, I wouldn't mind going.

Is this a gaming convention for all types of games or just board/card games (not video games)?

The anime convention I went to a few months ago, known as A-Kon (aka Project A-Kon), also had gaming and it was quite big. They had one room with at least 30 televisions and they were hooked up to Playstation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, etc... with games such as Halo 3, Street Fighter IV, Mario Kart Wii, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Mortal Kombat Vs. DC, etc... the place was packed. They also had another gaming room full of computers with various computer games. In another room (5 times bigger than the video game room), they had board games like Warhammer, Dungeons & Dragons, etc. They even had another room for card games like Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, Yu Go Oh, etc. You name it, they had it. Even though I don't play card or board games, it's still interesting to watch and see how they act. (All perfectly organized, color-coded, color-indexed, superstition, etc.)
It's not just for board games :) It has different console games, card games, miniatures, online MMORPG, and your classic table top pencil-paper RPG games. Exhibition hall had all of that plus any dice, book, game, or outfit (kilts, corsets, gamer tshirts, fake weaponry, etc) you could think of.

The other halls had specific gaming zones such as you could play Oregon Trail that was hosted by a company to put it on. (I evidently chose a little girl named Suzie Lu. I survived Yellow Fever but died from Dysentery!) They have a costume contest/parade, workshops for writing, gaming, and being a Game (Dungeon) Master.

They also had a lot of things for the "Better Half" for women such as Belly Dancing classes, Pole Dancing Classes (which I took, omg I'm SOOO bruised!), cooking, tours around Indy, knitting and sewing. For those who love painting miniatures they had a contest for that as well as stacking card towers, arena tournaments for specific games such as World of Warcraft, and you could win some free prizes if you demo'ed new games.

Yes a lot of things at GenCon but it's now over! I had a good time with good friends. Maybe I'll post a picture or two :) Oh! And there were 2 R2D2's. I got whistled at by one of em! They were robotic and controlled by a few inconspicuous men.