Game of Thrones


New Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Hell. Freaking. Yes. Read the books a few years ago, watching the series now. I thought they did an amazing job with this weeks episode. It was even more intense than the book. Wow! They are doing an awesome job with this series; I just want the author to finish the dang books! I'm dying to know what's going to happen to everyone!
It's funny I sort of expected it would happened. There are a hint in previous episode (remember the leeches on blacksmith kid) on who's going to die. And that song they were singing Castamere which also mentioned the story in previous episode.

I was laughing at everyone's reactions and it's like they're not paying attention to previous episodes. Now, I'm expecting one more main character death by this Sunday or perhaps next season.

Last Sunday night's episode is great, but not as great as one episode where Daenerys Targaryen got her revenge on rude man who sold her the slave army. This episode is only one that I jumped out of couch screaming "Yessss!!!!" and then camera pan her with flame blowing up in background -

I guess I'm pulling for Daenerys Targaryen. :)
I've not kept up with the Series, but have read all the books so far. It's proper epic stuff- but not the sort of booksyou can just dip into and read whenever..

They got the casting pretty much spot on though - how good is Peter Dinklage :)
Yeah, I heard the author is dragging his butt with finishing the books. Season 3 was a great season. The episode "Rains of Castamere" has permanently traumatized me and what's worse is that the song was stuck in my head for days, along with the image of the medieval shiv right to the poor lady's oven. It's a great song, but tethered to something I didn't want to think about for a while.