'Gally 3' the sequel


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Robert Davila = Good to secure funding from congress

William Marshall = Big question mark

Stephen Weiner = The old deaf guard's puppet
They all male.... and they are all WHITE.

I don't give a ferment.

Until the search team tells us that there were qualified females who applied that they chose these three guys over, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Until the search team tells us that there were qualified females who applied that they chose these three guys over, you don't have a leg to stand on.
yeah and if they chose a well qualified female, would they let her be president?
Davila's not the shoo-in some think he is. Weiner will probably get it.
The protests weren't about sexism.

Tousi, do tell, what's the reason that Weiner would get it over Davila? The BOT's the voting body on this, why would they pick Weiner over someone as accomplished as Davila?
The Gally 3peat!

Its amazing to see that after all the months of ruckus of unfair proccess, howls of opression, screams of lack of people of color, and audism cries that even the new deafhood chocked IPSAC restarted the selection process shockingly came up with an almost identical mix of final three candidates. It makes me wonder if the deafhood charisma has really gone to the dogs this time.

Richard Roehm
Robert Davila became deaf at age 8, his first language was Spanish...
He learned ASL at age 12 and 13 at school.

Same thing like Jane Fernandres.

His family came here from Mexico as Illegal Immigrants.
Its amazing to see that after all the months of ruckus of unfair proccess, howls of opression, screams of lack of people of color, and audism cries that even the new deafhood chocked IPSAC restarted the selection process shockingly came up with an almost identical mix of final three candidates. It makes me wonder if the deafhood charisma has really gone to the dogs this time.

Richard Roehm

This is only an interim position. It's the permanent President, to be selected later, that is more the issue.
This is only an interim position. It's the permanent President, to be selected later, that is more the issue.

It'll happen again for the permanent position. Deafhood appears to be very absent this time after screaming they were left out of the proccess the last time.

What the hell happened?

Word is that both Ryan Commerson and Latoya Plummer are planning to be a part of the big show this coming Sunday when they announce the interim president.

Dr. Stephen Weiner
He admitted that he has no knowledge of ASL and deaf culture...
and he is against ASL.

He is worser than Jane F.

I don't know how the heck you came to the conclusion above. Did you read the same article you linked?
If that's Weiner's best reply on the .pdf , then he's good as Dr. Kumbaya.

