Gallaudet President Announced!!

Seattle.guy said:
I read an article regarding Jane Fernandes on a newspaper, Seattle Times, earlier today. Check it out, http://archives.seattletimes.nwsour...lay?slug=deaf09&date=20060509&query=Gallaudet

Positive thing about Jane: Beautiful Smile.

Why NOT just SHUT UP and give her a chance ?
The way she smiles make this more difficult for me
to imagine about her arrogance attitude.... Does she
have the arrogance attitude SAME as King Jordan ?

Anyone with conscending contempt attitude
looking down at deaf people made me bristle
like a porcupine....
But, does Jane have this kind of same kind
of contempt attitude just like King Jordan ?
That smile looks forced. Anyone would smile for a Photo Op.
What I mean by Jordan's "Freudian Slip" is that he mistakenly said that Jane Fernandes would lead Gallaudet in his retirement announcement speech, but quickly corrected himself. I 'll look for who stated that and copy-n-paste it here.

DR. LYNN JACOBOWITZ: [to the audience]: Thank you, thank

[Jacobowitz turns to the two Gallaudet Board of Trustee
members, Interim Chairperson Celia May Baldwin and Dr.
Thomas Humphries]: I thank you for giving up your time to
come here and meet with us...

[Facing the audience] I also thank all of you for coming
here. I am going to explain to you why we believe strongly
that the presidential search process was totally and
completely flawed.

First of all, a while back when [current] President King
Jordan announced his retirement, he committed a Freudian
slip by referring to Provost Fernandes as being the "next
president [of Gallaudet]", and then he immediately
corrected himself.

[Baldwin and Humphries appear stunned.]

JACOBOWITZ [continuing]: You can look on the DVD [to see
it for yourselves]... Secondly, did you know that King
Jordan sent out an e-mail announcing that his office had
hired the consulting firm that was to work with the
presidential search committee?

[Baldwin and Humphries shake their heads "no." Humphries
interjects, claiming that the Board itself interviewed a
few consulting firms and selected one.]

The more and more dirt that comes up, the more Jordan and Fernandes look bad. I thought I'd add this...
Baldwin and Humpries were... :Owned: by E. Lynn Jacobwitz.
Endymion said:

Good question! In fact, most students hardly have any say in the operation of their university. Administrators don't regularly like student participation in their matters and they take steps to make sure that the student body is separate from the administrative process.

Anyone who step over the borderline shows the
lack of Respect
Batou said:
First of all, a while back when [current] President King
Jordan announced his retirement, he committed a Freudian
slip by referring to Provost Fernandes as being the "next
president [of Gallaudet]", and then he immediately
corrected himself.

I feel that I should mention that he never referred to her as the "next president." He was expressing his thanks to some important people who helped him and said, "Next, I'd like to thank our president-- I mean, provost..." He didn't call her the next president.
There was a thing on Cspan last night and I only caught the very tail end of it. It was a press conference or luncheon that they were broadcasting. I don't watch that channel and only caught it when I was flipping through. I saw Jordon giving a speech but it was like his very last sentence and it was over. I wish I could of seen it from the beginning.
A Statement by Tom Willard

A Statement by Tom Willard
Editor of Deafweekly, Former Editor of Silent News and Newswaves
Rochester, NY – May 11, 2006


Gallaudet University is on the verge of chaos. Protestors and administrators have reached an impasse. On one hand, Jane Fernandes says, “Hell no, I won’t go.” On the other hand, protesters say, “Hell no, we won’t go home to our hearing families for the summer when we can hang out with our friends here at Tent City.” And so it goes.

I have sat on the sidelines too long. In the interest of helping to end this painful episode and move on in a new spirit of unity and hope, it is my humble duty to offer my services as the next President of Gallaudet University.

To be honest, I don’t see any other way out of this predicament. I don’t think either I. King Jordan or Jane Fernandes have enough support to serve as president.

It is sad to see King Jordan tarnish his legacy at the end of his career, but I would not be surprised if he steps down before his planned December 31 retirement. And I don’t understand how Fernandes can, or would want to, lead a campus that is so obviously opposed to her presence.

So when the Gallaudet University Board of Trustees meets today, I strongly urge the board to do the only sensible thing and appoint me President.

Some people will say I’m “nuts.” Others will say I’m “looney tunes.” To these people, I would ask you to please not use insensitive labels related to issues of mental health.

Still others will say, “He can’t be President! He doesn’t have enough letters after his name!”

It’s true, my college degree is in photography. I don’t think this is a hindrance, however, as I would be able to take pictures during secret meetings – for evidence, you know.

But I understand the objection, and I think it is only fair to accept a cut in pay due to my lack of “credentials.” You would not have to pay me $550,000 as you paid King Jordan. Instead, I would be happy to do the job for, say, $50,000.

This is great news for Gallaudet, because there would be an extra $500,000 for other things. For example, every Monday we could close early and go to Wendy’s for dinner. On Wednesdays, we could hold a drawing for a free cruise for one lucky student and three friends. And every Friday, there could be a campus-wide party with everything – ice cream, cake, soda pop, balloons, clowns, the works!

Having served the deaf community as a journalist for 25 years, I honestly think I would make an excellent president for Gallaudet University. Well, I don’t “honestly think” it, but I have a pretty good feeling that it’s true. Well, it’s not so much a “ good feeling,” as more of a hunch. Truth be told, your guess is as good as mine – we’ll just have to see, won’t we?

A journalist has to be good at listening to all sides and communicating in a clear manner, both important skills for a university president. And a journalist needs to know what is important and how to hold an audience’s attention – also good skills for a president.

I’d be happy to put on a suit and shake hands with the senators and say “Keep the money flowing, homeboy,” or whatever the hell the president does all day.

In addition, I figure I have written up more than 2,500 news items since becoming editor of Deafweekly in October 2004.

Can you imagine if I remembered all that crap?

Fortunately I forget just about everything from one week to the next, and this is just what you want in a president, the constant ability to see things from a fresh perspective, with no hint of vengeance or vindictiveness for past transgressions.

All in all, I think my humble suggestion represents the best approach toward resolving the crisis at Gallaudet University in a manner that will please all constituents and allow the community to move beyond the present turmoil.

I have just one question. The job still comes with the free house, right?

P.S. Unity for Gallaudet!

P.P.S. The humor-impaired might be asking themselves, “Is he kidding?” Yes, I am kidding – about the $500,000 pay cut. I want the whole enchilada, baby.
Tom said:
A Statement by Tom Willard
Editor of Deafweekly, Former Editor of Silent News and Newswaves
Rochester, NY – May 11, 2006


Gallaudet University is on the verge of chaos. Protestors and administrators have reached an impasse. On one hand, Jane Fernandes says, “Hell no, I won’t go.” On the other hand, protesters say, “Hell no, we won’t go home to our hearing families for the summer when we can hang out with our friends here at Tent City.” And so it goes.

I have sat on the sidelines too long. In the interest of helping to end this painful episode and move on in a new spirit of unity and hope, it is my humble duty to offer my services as the next President of Gallaudet University.

To be honest, I don’t see any other way out of this predicament. I don’t think either I. King Jordan or Jane Fernandes have enough support to serve as president.

It is sad to see King Jordan tarnish his legacy at the end of his career, but I would not be surprised if he steps down before his planned December 31 retirement. And I don’t understand how Fernandes can, or would want to, lead a campus that is so obviously opposed to her presence.

So when the Gallaudet University Board of Trustees meets today, I strongly urge the board to do the only sensible thing and appoint me President.

Some people will say I’m “nuts.” Others will say I’m “looney tunes.” To these people, I would ask you to please not use insensitive labels related to issues of mental health.

Still others will say, “He can’t be President! He doesn’t have enough letters after his name!”

It’s true, my college degree is in photography. I don’t think this is a hindrance, however, as I would be able to take pictures during secret meetings – for evidence, you know.

But I understand the objection, and I think it is only fair to accept a cut in pay due to my lack of “credentials.” You would not have to pay me $550,000 as you paid King Jordan. Instead, I would be happy to do the job for, say, $50,000.

This is great news for Gallaudet, because there would be an extra $500,000 for other things. For example, every Monday we could close early and go to Wendy’s for dinner. On Wednesdays, we could hold a drawing for a free cruise for one lucky student and three friends. And every Friday, there could be a campus-wide party with everything – ice cream, cake, soda pop, balloons, clowns, the works!

Having served the deaf community as a journalist for 25 years, I honestly think I would make an excellent president for Gallaudet University. Well, I don’t “honestly think” it, but I have a pretty good feeling that it’s true. Well, it’s not so much a “ good feeling,” as more of a hunch. Truth be told, your guess is as good as mine – we’ll just have to see, won’t we?

A journalist has to be good at listening to all sides and communicating in a clear manner, both important skills for a university president. And a journalist needs to know what is important and how to hold an audience’s attention – also good skills for a president.

I’d be happy to put on a suit and shake hands with the senators and say “Keep the money flowing, homeboy,” or whatever the hell the president does all day.

In addition, I figure I have written up more than 2,500 news items since becoming editor of Deafweekly in October 2004.

Can you imagine if I remembered all that crap?

Fortunately I forget just about everything from one week to the next, and this is just what you want in a president, the constant ability to see things from a fresh perspective, with no hint of vengeance or vindictiveness for past transgressions.

All in all, I think my humble suggestion represents the best approach toward resolving the crisis at Gallaudet University in a manner that will please all constituents and allow the community to move beyond the present turmoil.

I have just one question. The job still comes with the free house, right?

P.S. Unity for Gallaudet!

P.P.S. The humor-impaired might be asking themselves, “Is he kidding?” Yes, I am kidding – about the $500,000 pay cut. I want the whole enchilada, baby.


You're funny!!! If they select you as the president for Gally then I'm up for it, as long as it stops this madness.
Y said:
Positive thing about Jane: Beautiful Smile.

Why NOT just SHUT UP and give her a chance ?
The way she smiles make this more difficult for me
to imagine about her arrogance attitude.... Does she
have the arrogance attitude SAME as King Jordan ?

Anyone with conscending contempt attitude
looking down at deaf people made me bristle
like a porcupine....
But, does Jane have this kind of same kind
of contempt attitude just like King Jordan ?

I'm dissappointed that Jane keeps referring that she's "not Deaf enough", throughtout the ENTIRE protest people have been saying this is not the issue... Jane doesn't seem to respect the protesters enough to attack the correct issues... There have been few articles getting the protesters point of view if any...
This is exactly why Jane Fernandes is wrong for Gallaudet. She puts down the protestors and tries to make them seem stupid by repeatedly stating that "She isn't deaf enough". The more and more I learn about Jane, the more I detest her.
Batou said:
This is exactly why Jane Fernandes is wrong for Gallaudet. She puts down the protestors and tries to make them seem stupid by repeatedly stating that "She isn't deaf enough". The more and more I learn about Jane, the more I detest her.


We're already know that many days ago and that isn't the real reason.
Eh? Jane is misrepresenting Gallaudet and making herself look like she is perfect and the students are stupid. Maybe you did not understand my post.
Jane is telling various people in the media that the students are protesting because "She isn't deaf enough" which is NOT true. I hope this is clear to you now.
No offense, but from a few grammatical errors in your post, I assume you cannot comprehend what I am typing to the fullest extent. Or maybe I was not clear or cohesive enough, hence my repost and rephrashing of what I said 2 posts above.
Starrynight said:
I'm dissappointed that Jane keeps referring that she's "not Deaf enough", throughtout the ENTIRE protest people have been saying this is not the issue... Jane doesn't seem to respect the protesters enough to attack the correct issues... There have been few articles getting the protesters point of view if any...

Let's just focus on her attitude. Does she have the
same kind of arrogance attitude as King Jordan ?
All the answer I want is either "Yes" or "No" ... ????
2hot4you said:
There was a thing on Cspan last night and I only caught the very tail end of it. It was a press conference or luncheon that they were broadcasting. I don't watch that channel and only caught it when I was flipping through. I saw Jordon giving a speech but it was like his very last sentence and it was over. I wish I could of seen it from the beginning.

You can email C-span to see about watching the sermon that Jordan King gave to U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate. Do not be afraid to ask because you are doing your American Duty. Just explain that you want it for your school homework because obivously you are a teenager so they should give it to you for free where we as adults may have to pay a fee just to get the DVD to review the sermon that Jordan King gave. They may even e-mail it to you in WMV format ( Windows Media Video ) for free. God Bless ..... :angel:

Here is the website link :
Ok, thank Batou... I have to make
a correction to Tom's previous posting
above that King Jordan's actual salary is
MORE Than $700,000

WHO hired King Jordan back then ?

WHO made the decision giving him
that kind of salary over $700,000 ?