Gabriel Knight 2 English subtitles patch


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
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A while ago, I wrote English subtitles for the awesome classic game, Gabriel Knight 2.
It's the only game in the series that lacks English subtitles.
I used a Spanish subtitle patch.. I don't know any programming so what I did was use that patch and simply replace every line with English.

I thought there might be some interest in this around here ;)

Keep in mind that I wrote all these subtitles down by listening to what was being said in the game - so there might be some errors.
I did play through the entire game to test it, though, and it seemed fine to me :)

You can have a look at what it looks like here -
[ame=]YouTube - Gabriel Knight 2 - English subtitles patch[/ame]

It says my video there that this only works for the Windows version... but a very cool guy over at these GK forums wrote a DOS installer for the patch, so it works in the DOS version as well now.

Don't use any other user made patches while using this subtitle patch, it might not be compatible.

Here's the link to the Windows version of the patch -

And here's the DOS one (recommended, use Dosbox) -
Gabriel Knight II English Subtitle Patch - The Sierra Help Pages

EDIT - sorry, it seems I posted this in the wrong section. Could some mods put it in the correct one?
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This patch is now being updated, will be MUCH easier to install now and works perfectly with the DOS version of the game (which is much easier to get running). I highly recommend this game to anyone that enjoys a great story.
The first and third games in the series already have subtitles, this is the only one that didn't have it.

So the deaf and hard of hearing can now enjoy all of this excellent series :)

I would appreciate it if someone could move this thread to the correct forum section.