Fusewireless.com Good?


New Member
Jun 10, 2004
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I wanted to know if any of you have good experience or bad experience with Fusewireless.com I am little concerned because they do not have any contact info except email, thats it. Please advice

Fusewireless is a good company, don't worry about that stuff. It's mainly a online site where u can order wireless devices for a good deal. I bought my color sidekick from them and have no problem with them. I think they have their own store in Maryland, if u walk in.
sequoias said:
Fusewireless is a good company, don't worry about that stuff. It's mainly a online site where u can order wireless devices for a good deal. I bought my color sidekick from them and have no problem with them. I think they have their own store in Maryland, if u walk in.

Yes, bought my pagers from them.

No problemo. :wave:
I am very happy with fusewireless.com for a year now
Yeah, I bought SK color from them 2 yrs ago and SK2 from them too few mo ago, i havent plm so far
I can't really comment on them. I got mine through Garthmobile.net and the service was great. I actually got my pager in a few days. :)
SK is great but i cant buy it to own it. Most of them always had credit check. my credit arent that great at all.
VamPyroX said:
I can't really comment on them. I got mine through Garthmobile.net and the service was great. I actually got my pager in a few days. :)

I like the price Garth has ($50) but I am concerned with them asking for my Social Security Number. Your SS# is for benefits from the Federal government, only. It is not used as a general ID number. Identity theft is common enough to make me worry about providing my SS# to a company like that.

Katzie said:
I like the price Garth has ($50) but I am concerned with them asking for my Social Security Number. Your SS# is for benefits from the Federal government, only. It is not used as a general ID number. Identity theft is common enough to make me worry about providing my SS# to a company like that.


They need the SS# to do a credit check and will let you know if you qualify for the T-Mobile service or not. They don't use SS# for anything else. Make sure the page you are on has an 's' in the URL, like https://securepage.domain.com.. That means it is secure.

As for myself, I ordered SK2 from Fusewireless.com. They're pretty good, and had to wait a few days for mine to arrive in the mail. They don't use phone numbers because they do all contact and transactions by email.

I only had to pay for insurance, sign up for one year contract, filled out the 3 rebates and the SK2 is free.
I got mine through a1wireless.com and am good with their services, smile. Just make sure the company you want to purchase something through is a geninue company. :)
Thats what called Buyer's BEAWARE! Your very smart in balking. Your right, orignally SSN was used for Gov't benefit identifier, and it got abused widely by creditors. We are really sitting on time bomb! God knows what would happen next. Its going to getting bigger, too bad President Clinton was too busy with Monica Lewinski when the identity theives started!

I know about credit check requirement with Tmo. Don't you all know that there is option which you COULD pre-pay for sidekick service? It is fairly new... Pre-paid customer need not to supply SSN, and have their credit check. Check it out...

Katzie said:
I like the price Garth has ($50) but I am concerned with them asking for my Social Security Number. Your SS# is for benefits from the Federal government, only. It is not used as a general ID number. Identity theft is common enough to make me worry about providing my SS# to a company like that.
