Free hearing aid batteries

Thank you for this link! I've been interested in the zero-mercury batteries. And free batteries are always great!
Thanks for the link, Andy. :)

I sent the link to my father so he can sign up for some, too.
One of their questions had me had me laughing.

One of the information questions on the form you had to fill out in order to receive the free batteries was:

"When do you wear your hearing aid battery?*" :confused:

Now I don't know about you, but I don't wear "hearing aid batteries".. let alone flashlight batteries, power tool batteries, or even car batteries. :roll: The hearing aids I do wear contain a battery though.

How many of you found that question to be as funny as I did? :lol:

Shi-Ku Chishiki
The answer is until the battery is dying (I would say WTF)

:dj: Come on!

Tme to (not change the clock) ;)