Free closed caption box and tty


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
I'm trying to get rid of the closed caption box and 2 ttys...

Closed caption box works great and also in good condition...

2 ttys are not working anymore, I tried to get them repaired but they said they unable to fix it, if anyone would want to use it for parts or whatever that is fine....

All of them are free, if you are interesting, please pm me :)
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^Angel^ said:
I'm trying to get rid of the closed caption box and 2 ttys...

Closed caption box works great and also in good condition...

2 ttys are not working anymore, I tried to get them repaired but they said they unable to fit it, if anyone would want to use it for parts or whatever that is fine....

All of them are free, if you are interesting, please pm me :)

Angel, have you thought of contacting a local assisted living facility to see if there is any hard of hearing elderly there who could benefit from a CC box?

I am assistant director of an assisted living facility and many seniors are too poor to get a CC box or TTY on their own. Many hard of hearing elderly wont admit that they cant understand TV or turn volume up TOO high.

So maybe you look around in your area ? :)
Meg said:
Angel, have you thought of contacting a local assisted living facility to see if there is any hard of hearing elderly there who could benefit from a CC box?

I am assistant director of an assisted living facility and many seniors are too poor to get a CC box or TTY on their own. Many hard of hearing elderly wont admit that they cant understand TV or turn volume up TOO high.

So maybe you look around in your area ? :)
That sounds like a good idea. Nowadays, people don't care much for close-captioning devices since almost all televisions include it. Also, many people use online relay and emails... so TTYs have slowly faded from sight.
Oh ok, Thanks Meg for the information, I will call around and find out where I could send it to....

Sorry for not getting back sooner, I forgot that I created this thread :giggle: ...
Try going trade in TTY can give you other one for free and he will take your two old TTY.

CC box, I already have one since I was child... I dont know what CC box to doing? Thrown trash or give poor people? I dont know.... If you say that thrown the trash. No way. I favor going refix for new future same thing to old computer...
my grandparents have a 60inch tv and no CC wtf I'm 25time to get your head out of ass and relize im deaf. So I'll take the CC box to put on their tv if ya still have.
Maybe it is best to donate it to a deaf museum? Afterall, cc boxes are out of date. I doubt I know anyone who owns television that was made before the 90s.
Soonersseth said:
my grandparents have a 60inch tv and no CC wtf I'm 25time to get your head out of ass and relize im deaf. So I'll take the CC box to put on their tv if ya still have.

For Real? no cc on the 60 inches tv? Cuz, I have a 55 inches and it does have closed caption I thought all tv now made with closed caption maybe you need to recheck it again to make sure.;)
Hi Soonersseth,

Sure, I will send you the CC box for your grandparents, I will talk to you thru pm once I get back from Florida :)

Thank you! ;)
Zericsrats said:
Try going trade in TTY can give you other one for free and he will take your two old TTY.

Actually, I don't need another tty since I already have a tdd and brought it two years ago ...

Just trying to get rid of the ones I have in my closet that I no longer need them anymore.... :D
:smash: *going once....* *going twice....* ahhhh...shucks, it's still sitting on the shelf in the I hear a 'bid'??? :smoking:

Hmmm...sounds good to 'donate' it to a nursing home or to someone who can't afford it that could greatly benefit it.... :D
CC gone? i dont need tty got 3 of them myself lol but defnitely need CC
Another member had already PM me about the CC box and will be sending it to them soon this month...but I still have the three tdds if anyone is interesting, if not then Ill give it to the Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center where they give away to those who cannot afford one ;) ....

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^Angel^ said:
I'm trying to get rid of the closed caption box and 2 ttys...

Closed caption box works great and also in good condition...

2 ttys are not working anymore, I tried to get them repaired but they said they unable to fix it, if anyone would want to use it for parts or whatever that is fine....

All of them are free, if you are interesting, please pm me :)

who will pay for S/H?
I will pay for the shipping and handling...
to angel re:free caption box

hi i saw your ad on here and i see you are looking to get rid of closecaption box as well 2 tty do you still have them if so i can use them and how much for shipping and ill send out a money order asap ok thanks sal
Free Closed Caption Box

If this is still available, we could sure use it. My wife is deaf and we have an undercounter unit that does not have the chip for captioning.

*look at dates* ohh 2004 wow that old so I bet it already gone from ttys and CC I bet lol :lol: