Freddy Vs. Jason

I'll be going to the advanced screening which take at 10:15 PM this Thursday.

I personally don't care for either Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies. But this one I am looking forward to.
Unfortunately, it won't be open-captioned. It is made by Sony Pictures and Sony never captions their movies. Grr! :fu2:
VamPyroX said:
Unfortunately, it won't be open-captioned. It is made by Sony Pictures and Sony never captions their movies. Grr! :fu2:

Actually, New Line Cinema.
VamPyroX said:
Unfortunately, it won't be open-captioned. It is made by Sony Pictures and Sony never captions their movies. Grr! :fu2:

Actually, they do usually caption their movies. But it's not open-captioned.

They prefer rear-window captioning.
Banjo said:
Actually, they do usually caption their movies. But it's not open-captioned.

They prefer rear-window captioning.
Well, that sucks. I don't like rear-window captioning. It's a pain in the ass!
i've seen that movie with my friends last night

and i just gotta didn't suck THAT much...but it was just okay...not actually one of the greatest horror movies around or something like that...
FutureGame2100 said:
Yeah, It's sooo goood horror in movies and I hope Jason will win when it's the end. Nice to meet ya =D

(hint hint) the one who never dies wins (hint hint)
I just don't see what all the hype is about over Jason vs Freddy -- sure they both scared the the living daylights out of us when we were young and probably just out of those 2 movie series. :roll:
I just think that today's horror movies just lack the scary's hard to explain....sure, there are a few horror movies that did scare the crap out of me, but mainly the movies were the older ones, created in the 70's and 80's.
My friend told me that Freddy and Jason never get a win when it's the end because It's still fair too.
I saw it lasts ummer, it was good movie but not finish, Jason is still ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEE