Fox News rating up 10% after White House declare war on them

Are we witnessing a bunch of over-zealous and jealous people concerning Fox news? Just how petty is Obama now? I might expect it from a child throwing tantrums but the president of the U.S.? Utterly surreal. Second in line was when Soviet Premier Khrushcev threw a temper tantrum when denied to visit Disneyland but that was 50 years ago.

Overzealous and jealous in relation to Fox News. That's laughable. :laugh2:
Obama promised to bring change, and it seems he has done exactly that – at least when it comes to FOX News, which he has changed into an even bigger ratings powerhouse than it already was.

The Obama White House’s inexplicable war on Fox has, as we predicted, magnified FOX’s stature among viewers. Far from marginalizing FOX and delegitimizing it as a news source as intended, the feud has made more people than ever choose FOX News as its favored source...

Thanks for nothing: Obama energizes FOX, ratings up about 10% during White House feud

Knee jerk response in





Just as I predicted.

Let's see if the WH will keep up with their peurile temper tantrums against Foxnews by pouting excessively on camera about the news organization.
predicted? buddy - your predictions have been wrong all along for past several weeks... just like vaccination thread.