Found Long Lost Biological Son (i think)....

:ty: for support our cause!!! PuyoPiyo :thumb:

No problemo! :D

I was actually referring to Cheri in that statement. But to be perfectly honest, I don't know how to refer to WW.

Reffer him as "him", "he", "his", you are just making yourself silly.

And for the record, Cheri is right.

Hmm.. I wasn't talk to you about who's right or not, I was just let you know to let it go, let him tell us his story..


I can understand what you mean but I think WW doing right to face something no matter what then he will feel good and free from guilty inside himself and will know what he stand and has to accept if his son forgive him or not. It's up to his son. All what I do is wish him best of good luck reunion with his son.

Yes it's better to face something and then get over than keep boil guilty inside to make sick yourself.

Yupp that's why I applause him, and think he is very brave to do that. I agree with you, it's better to face up with his son instead of whining inside himself and do nothing. He need a solution.
PuyoPiyo said:
Reffer him as "him", "he", "his", you are just making yourself silly.
Sooo, by your theory if I decide one day that I prefer to be referred to as the “Queen of Sheeba”, you should honor my demands and refer to me as such, despite the obvious fact that I am NOT?!?!?!

PuyoPiyo said:
Hmm.. I wasn't talk to you about who's right or not, I was just let you know to let it go, let him tell us his story..
Well, actually WW already told the story and that is sorta what caused all the commotion in the first place. Of course, we all make mistakes in life and I can only hope that WW learned from the experience. I just hope that WW will take the adoptees feelings into account when determining whether or not to meet.

PuyoPiyo said:
Yupp that's why I applause him, and think he is very brave to do that. I agree with you, it's better to face up with his son instead of whining inside himself and do nothing. He need a solution.
I guess my question would be, what next? What if WW’s son doesn’t want to meet? What if the son doesn’t accept the transgender issue? What if the son is not willing to forgive WW for selling him? What if there isn't a solution? What then?
From the perpective of an adopted child whose birth family made contact........I was adopted at 6 weeks old to parents who were unable to have their own child. There was no contact with the birth mother at that time, however my adopted father had to pay the maternity home 93 pounds before they were allowed to take me home, later this materinity home was closed down as the matron was selling the babies!!!! I am in effect a BOUGHT was way back in 1951 of course. Wonderful adoption by the way.

Fast forward to 1989, change of adoption laws in NZ, birth parents now able to tack down adoptees. Knock on door from social services.......yikes.......birth mother wants to meet me, much heart searching, do I want this to happen, finally meet the 'FAMILY'......several of them deaf just like me........18 years later, really glad I did.

So you see it can work out.

Rather than dwelling on the selling of babies, (who cares so long as they get a wonderful home) I feel WW and wife may have much more heartbreak owing to being transgender. A MTF friend of mine has suffered so much thru rejection by her daughters and grandchildren ("oh how can we tell the kids grandad is now grandma???") I think this will be more stressful than any tales of money changing hands.

Do keep us up todate with developements and best wishes WW
Raykat, please correct me if I'm wrong, but from reading your story I gathered that it was the matron of the maternity home selling babies, not actually the birth mothers, so I think the facts are a bit different here.

I am glad that you had a successful reunion. :)
Raykat, please correct me if I'm wrong, but from reading your story I gathered that it was the matron of the maternity home selling babies, not actually the birth mothers, so I think the facts are a bit different here.

I am glad that you had a successful reunion. :)

You are indeed correct Eve, BOUGHT baby was said tounge in cheek.(note that I put LOL in) however it does not change the fact that some babies are better off in stable adopted homes, now matter whether money changes hands or not, than they are left with parents who are unable to provide them with the necessities of life. From what WW has said both his sons have benefited greatly from being adopted, good educations etc.

Whilst those of us who have never been in this situation may become indignant at the thought of baby trafficing I still feel we do not have the right to judge. There are other factors to consider....did WW and wife have extended family support at that time? I would assume WW is deaf, is her wife also deaf? Being young, deaf and pregnant is a very vulnerable position to be in, add the stress of joblessness and it is very easy to take the quick way out. You mentioned earlier that you had struggled to keep your family together, I applaud you for that, I have very often been the sole breadwinner in our family. However not everyone has the inner strength to pull this off.
Raykat, please correct me if I'm wrong, but from reading your story I gathered that it was the matron of the maternity home selling babies, not actually the birth mothers, so I think the facts are a bit different here.

I am glad that you had a successful reunion. :)

P.S.....I must add here that I personally could not give a child of mine away, couldnt even give a cat am just thankful I have never been in that situation.
Sooo, by your theory if I decide one day that I prefer to be referred to as the “Queen of Sheeba”, you should honor my demands and refer to me as such, despite the obvious fact that I am NOT?!?!?!

mmkay... I am not looking for arguement, but suggest you to reffer him as "him, his, he". Plus I was just making sense of humor, I guess that was too offense..

Well, actually WW already told the story and that is sorta what caused all the commotion in the first place. Of course, we all make mistakes in life and I can only hope that WW learned from the experience. I just hope that WW will take the adoptees feelings into account when determining whether or not to meet.

No idea what to say, but I would rather just listen to him instead of making arguement with him.

I guess my question would be, what next? What if WW’s son doesn’t want to meet? What if the son doesn’t accept the transgender issue? What if the son is not willing to forgive WW for selling him? What if there isn't a solution? What then?

Be patient. Let WW tell the news. Just wait.
I just want to clarify some things.

I don't support the sale of babies for adoption.

I don't support contacting adoptees just to satisfy the birth parents.

i wasn't asking you to support those of the sale and satisfy....

I support moving on from past mistakes, ONLY IF the past mistakes have been confronted, admitted (not necessarily publicly), and repented. If a person doesn't come to grips and bluntly admit to himself without excuses or justifications that the action was wrong, then that "mistake" has not been overcome. If one continues in life to follow the same course without changing then nothing has been learned from the past.

Immaturity might be a factor in bad decision making but it is NOT an excuse.

I hope you think looooong, deep, and hard before deciding to contact your birth son. Truthfully, will contact between the two of you improve his life? Or will it hurt him? Be honest.

Have you been in contact with any birth parent support groups who can give you the benefit of their experiences, or did you get professional counseling? Making some efforts in that direction could be a sign that you are sincere.

No we haven't gone that birth parent support groups or professional counseling for that....

Reba, it's okay to let him to contact his son as long as he learns the hard way by acceptin' what is goin' to come to him from his long lost son. His son might ask him some questions that WW will face. Just let WW learn. If, there's no honest answer from him to the son that the son wants to hear, then it is up to the son to draw the line by not wantin' to contact or see his biological father ever again. That's the son's decision to do so since the father wants to contact him. It's okay to learn the hard way if, this should happen. It's all about life.

In two years ago, my first son told his adoptive mother that he does not want to face to face with me but wanted to know where is his half brother (our second son) at and i told his adoptive mother that we do not know where he was at that time until two weeks ago which i found our second son and contacted with second adoptive parents and gave them our first son's adoptive parent's address and phone nbr to contact with... As of today, we do not know for sure if our second son wants to contact us or not and all we have to sit and wait until they e-mail us for further news....

You are indeed correct Eve, BOUGHT baby was said tounge in cheek.(note that I put LOL in) however it does not change the fact that some babies are better off in stable adopted homes, now matter whether money changes hands or not, than they are left with parents who are unable to provide them with the necessities of life. From what WW has said both his sons have benefited greatly from being adopted, good educations etc.

Whilst those of us who have never been in this situation may become indignant at the thought of baby trafficing I still feel we do not have the right to judge. There are other factors to consider....did WW and wife have extended family support at that time? I would assume WW is deaf, is her wife also deaf? Being young, deaf and pregnant is a very vulnerable position to be in, add the stress of joblessness and it is very easy to take the quick way out. You mentioned earlier that you had struggled to keep your family together, I applaud you for that, I have very often been the sole breadwinner in our family. However not everyone has the inner strength to pull this off.

No didn't have extended family support because my mother disliked my wife and my other families lived far away that time, so we had no friends or families to help us out... My wife's parents were very old as to be her grandparents and couldn't help us either....And we were much stuck then....yes we both are deaf....

mmkay... I am not looking for arguement, but suggest you to reffer him as "him, his, he". Plus I was just making sense of humor, I guess that was too offense..

No idea what to say, but I would rather just listen to him instead of making arguement with him.

Be patient. Let WW tell the news. Just wait.

We will update the news once we hear from them anytime soon.... :)
In two years ago, my first son told his adoptive mother that he does not want to face to face with me but wanted to know where is his half brother (our second son) at and i told his adoptive mother that we do not know where he was at that time until two weeks ago which i found our second son and contacted with second adoptive parents and gave them our first son's adoptive parent's address and phone nbr to contact with... As of today, we do not know for sure if our second son wants to contact us or not and all we have to sit and wait until they e-mail us for further news....

Wow, I'm curious does both of your sons aware what you've done? or not?, if you already answered that question, please do forgive me, as I didn't read the entire thread yet...
Wow, I'm curious does both of your sons aware what you've done? or not?, if you already answered that question, please do forgive me, as I didn't read the entire thread yet...

We don't think so that they aware of what we would have done but we sure of that their adoptive parents told them that we gave them up for adoptive due our deafness but not sure what they said about the rest of the stories what we have done back then to them as they never told us what their stories that was told to their adoptive sons. :dunno: But whenever they will face to face with us and we will be willing to tell them what's going on including our transgendered.... :Ohno: We are hoping that they forgive us what we did and accepting our transgendered but again who knows and the time will tell!!!!
You are indeed correct Eve, BOUGHT baby was said tounge in cheek.(note that I put LOL in) however it does not change the fact that some babies are better off in stable adopted homes, now matter whether money changes hands or not, than they are left with parents who are unable to provide them with the necessities of life. From what WW has said both his sons have benefited greatly from being adopted, good educations etc.

Whilst those of us who have never been in this situation may become indignant at the thought of baby trafficing I still feel we do not have the right to judge. There are other factors to consider....did WW and wife have extended family support at that time? I would assume WW is deaf, is her wife also deaf? Being young, deaf and pregnant is a very vulnerable position to be in, add the stress of joblessness and it is very easy to take the quick way out. You mentioned earlier that you had struggled to keep your family together, I applaud you for that, I have very often been the sole breadwinner in our family. However not everyone has the inner strength to pull this off.

You got some good points there, Raykat.
In two years ago, my first son told his adoptive mother that he does not want to face to face with me but wanted to know where is his half brother (our second son) at and i told his adoptive mother that we do not know where he was at that time until two weeks ago which i found our second son and contacted with second adoptive parents and gave them our first son's adoptive parent's address and phone nbr to contact with... As of today, we do not know for sure if our second son wants to contact us or not and all we have to sit and wait until they e-mail us for further news....

That's great! Now, that's the next step you need to wait for his responses. Hope things goes well with you & your son. :)
Sooo, by your theory if I decide one day that I prefer to be referred to as the “Queen of Sheeba”, you should honor my demands and refer to me as such, despite the obvious fact that I am NOT?!?!?!

So you're asking me to honor your demands even when you cannot honor yourself? We are glad that you're not a judge as this would make you a bad judge because you're quick to judge people who don't fit in YOUR demands - well honey that is just too bad. And I don't know anyone who is stupid enough to bend down and worship you. For the picture of your avatar (cat) is that what YOU look like (totally messed up in your head?). There is NO such thing as a GODDESS that if you believe that that means youre MESSED UP!!!
We don't think so that they aware of what we would have done but we sure of that their adoptive parents told them that we gave them up for adoptive due our deafness but not sure what they said about the rest of the stories what we have done back then to them as they never told us what their stories that was told to their adoptive sons. :dunno: But whenever they will face to face with us and we will be willing to tell them what's going on including our transgendered.... :Ohno: We are hoping that they forgive us what we did and accepting our transgendered but again who knows and the time will tell!!!!

I hope so too, Thank you so much for answering my question.. I wish you all the best...
but we sure of that their adoptive parents told them that we gave them up for adoptive due our deafness

"What do you meant by due to your deafness?" Do you think deaf people cannot be good parents?
"What do you meant by due to your deafness?" Do you think deaf people cannot be good parents?

My guess was that what they told them (their adoptive sons) that we both are deaf... Doesn't meant that deaf people cannot be a good parents - that's not what i meant by that - Just us only... ok Is that clear up of my saying? We have seen Deaf parents doing good job taking care of their children now days than we did... You see i was unfit and tempered mother that time and wasn't good take care of my first son before giving him up for adoption when he was 7 1/2 months old while i was in about 3 to 4 months of pregnant... We thought that he is better off with his adoptive parents who is raising him better life, environments and schooling than we did trying to provide him but couldn't do that in that time....
My guess was that what they told them (their adoptive sons) that we both are deaf... Doesn't meant that deaf people cannot be a good parents - that's not what i meant by that - Just us only... ok Is that clear up of my saying? We have seen Deaf parents doing good job taking care of their children now days than we did... You see i was unfit and tempered mother that time and wasn't good take care of my first son before giving him up for adoption when he was 7 1/2 months old while i was in about 3 to 4 months of pregnant... We thought that he is better off with his adoptive parents who is raising him better life, environments and schooling than we did trying to provide him but couldn't do that in that time....

That was a very loving and mature decision. Bless you.