

New Member
Feb 21, 2005
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What do you think of these rules....


Guidelines for participation

This is not a BBS or a chatroom. The editors of maintain full editorial control over submissions and contents. Participants cannot post messages directly. The editors reserve the right to edit, omit, or refuse any message or parts of messages.
When submitting a post, please use regular E-mail (not Hotmail). Include your full name and your correct mailing address, E-mail address, and TTY/telephone numbers, in case we have to contact you. We will post your messages with your real name, but your mailing/E-mail address, and numbers will NOT be posted or divulged to any other user. No anonymous submissions, or those using only initials, nicknames, first names, or screen names, will be accepted. Promotional or commercially-oriented messages are not accepted here.

Would this invite you to discuss any topics.....????

The first thing one learns (or should learn) is that you never provide personal information, unless you can absolutely trust the site.... but with "rules" like this, who would want to go there.....
If that is an actual forum, I would definitely not join that site or make any postings there.
I know the site you are referring to, Cloggy, and they are WELL known for censorship and biased posting. I'd write them off entirely and let them live with their heads in the sand. The only ones who will suffer from that kind of ignorance will be themselves.
I know the site you are referring to, Cloggy, and they are WELL known for censorship and biased posting. I'd write them off entirely and let them live with their heads in the sand. The only ones who will suffer from that kind of ignorance will be themselves.

I knew you would recognised it.
I was advised to discuss CI over there.... like you were probably....

Just wanted to share this..
I'm under the impression you're not referring to Deaf Notes?

Ah ah, I've figured out which site that is.
This reminds me of a Christian website that censors like this, but will allow the messages to be posted. My message was posted, but one of the moderators read it, didn't like it, deleted what I said and banned me.

These kind of people, instead of wanting to be educated about service dogs, would rather show ignorance. The topic of the thread was "dogs in church" and a lot of people voiced in. I thought this website had been a hostile environment in the past, now it's worse!
Those rules from some forum sounds ridicilous. They can shove their heads up their asses. ;)
I wonder how far up their asses their heads are.. cuz that's like overboard censorship.
I know of another forum relating to the education of deaf children that is so censored. Deafdyke will know which one I am talking about. I got banned from it for voicing my opinions. Nothing mean..just asked a few questions and bam, my ass was off the forum. Oh well..that's life.
Yes. I do find forums like that too controlling. I know of a forum that had a similar rule and the manager of the forum was so controlling that he would hold back the post that he disagreed with, write his own rebuttal and then send them to the forum together.
Ok, time to 'fess up, folks; what forum is Cloggy referring to?
I think it's ? :dunno:

P.S. Welcome back, Cheri. :hug:
I think it's ?
It is.... well, cochlearwar*com
It's under the same umbrella as DN (deaf*com), and when they closed the CI-forum on DN, they told people to go to this one to "discuss" CI.....
Now the whole forum is closed....

Ah well..
I enjoy it here.There is a looseness without boundaries or restriction of what you want to say to one another. (Within reason of course, not to be rude to another member).On a meniere's site I heard of, if questions and answers were not posed in a certain fashion you were chastised. Who needs that?!