Former ASL Student Who doesn't want to Forget!


New Member
Feb 6, 2015
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Greetings, everyone!

My name is Sarita! I am a former ASL student, attended college for communication and picked up sign language I and II for fun and I fell in love with the language! Although I am no longer in ASL, I still go on and quiz myself on everyday signs. I also watch "Switched at Birth" and try to not read the closed captions when the actors are signing to one another. As a bank teller, I am also approached by members of the deaf community and I just love being able to understand and communicate in this expressive form!

I want to continue signing and attend events around the Tri-State (NJ, NY, and PA) area. If anyone attends any events in the tri state, or is looking for a novice asl-friend, feel free to contact me!

- Sarita
I am also learning ASL, and I would love to practice my signing with you too! I completed first year and am currently in second year, looking for a friend to sign with. Feel free to message me!! :)
Hello I'm newly deaf and trying to learn asl. I practice on my own and have a few friends on glide I practice with. If you have glide my ID MLB ARPJ if your interested

Sent from my SM-T520 using AllDeaf App mobile app
Hello to all I am a hearing girl who just recently joined glide ( a video messaging app) and I am hoping to meet some people who will want to communicate with me in asl. I am learning asl so hopefully we can become good friends and learn from each other. My glide I.D is 0YT ARHN
Hello I'm newly deaf and trying to learn asl. I practice on my own and have a few friends on glide I practice with. If you have glide my ID MLB ARPJ if your interested

Sent from my SM-T520 using AllDeaf App mobile app

Hi I am not deaf but I am also learning asl if u do not mind I will like to communicate in asl as well and we can learn from each other.