For those who wears Hearing Aids


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Hi. I'm curious as to how much did you spend on your hearing aids as well what kind do you wear?

Just wondering because it's exitorbant to buy it in Australia! :eek2:
And the insurance makes people pay TOO much just to put down a claim on Hearing Aids. *sigh mournfully*
Well we cant afford to buy hearing aides. :) Only we kneel and beg for it or not wear them.
obviously, austrailia isnt the only one that has expensive aides! lol bummer. i had hearing aides and right now im not using them for a while until i can afford enough to buy digital aides. (maybe next is c.i.?) my insurance (empire blue cross) wont cover for aides. but probably will cover most for c.i.
Mine were covered by Medicaid. I got them at Clarke School for the Deaf (wanted an audi who was experianced in fitting young people) and they are Phonaks. But many of them are expensive. I thought that Austrailia covered hearing aids through Universal Health care?
Oh they do, but there's a condition.

Once you've turned 21, they'll ask you if you still want the HA, you can but you have to meet certain criterias such as if you're on pension or whatever. If accepted, then great, but no more free batteries and you're only eligible for free earmolds and minor repair is all. That will stop when you're 26. Then you're on your own. :tears:
I do wear BTE's, and long ago when one of my hearing-aids was destroyed by my cat and I sure didn't have enough dough to purchase another one...I was informed of a group called 'The Lions Club' (I'm not sure if this is a national club or if it was a local/statewide club)...although, this group would get used hearing-aids and refurbished and reconditioned these hearing-aids like 'new'...and therefore, I was able to obtain one of these hearing-aids which did wonderfully for me for quite a few years until it quit functioning...and the best part of this deal was that the hearing-aid I used was 'free'...I didn't have to pay one dime for it and I sure was very very grateful for this superb and magnificent group that was helpful and supportive! I'm sure there are such groups or clubs like these throughout that would be worth checking into.... :)
Bugger that....I got mine free through VR (Vocational Rehabilation) while I was attending college in USA. But can't afford it here in Australia simply because I'm not an Australian Citizen. Fortunately, I have a CI, so I use that. :) Paid nothing for the surgery and the CI itself...mapping, etc. Only thing I have to pay for are the batteries for the speech processor.
Here in the state of WA, I can only get ONE hearing aid covered my medicare every 3 years, yes one. Not 2. They cost about $700 each, I think. I could be wrong. I never paid for hearing aids with my $ before. When I was 21 years old or earlier, they had children support services, which they can pay anything, unlimited and it was very flexible, could cover 2 new hearing aids, molds every 6-12 months, a heap load of batteries....wish I was 21. :P
Here in the state of WA, I can only get ONE hearing aid covered my medicare every 3 years, yes one. Not 2. They cost about $700 each, I think. I could be wrong. I never paid for hearing aids with my $ before. When I was 21 years old or earlier, they had children support services, which they can pay anything. They are unlimited and it was very flexible, could cover 2 new hearing aids, molds every 6-12 months, a heap load of batteries....wish I was 21. :P
i wear hearing aids AND I don t have to pay for it but one time the medicaid messed up so i ended up havign to pay once, was 75 bucks for it RME im like for this SMALL thing ???? 75 bucks JEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :roll: but i now have a new hearing aid mold paid by the state, til i make enuff money and i will plby get new hearing aid to make it compataible for my cell phones.. Speaking of that .......... * going to the HA section gotta post there*
so i ended up havign to pay once, was 75 bucks for it RME im like for this SMALL thing ???? 75 bucks JEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
At least you didn't have to pay more...many of them run into the thousands of dollars.
Hearing aides

Voc Rehab paid for mine. I wear a Bi-Cros, meaning one is only a reciever. I'm only aidable on my left side. I only know they are by Siemens and I realy like them. THE next step for me I have been told is a CI. Digitals might work but I'm at the threshold.

e said:
my insurance (empire blue cross) wont cover for aides. but probably will cover most for c.i.

e -- thats true most health insurance providers will NOT pay for hearing aids but will pay for hte MUCH expensive procedures for a CI which IMO is not even fair for those who would choose to prefer HA's over the CIs -- back in the 70s/80s mom told me that my HA batteries were actually COVERED by health insurance provider!!! they have since removed that service off their list which is stupid IMO cuz batteries are what we would need to make the HAs work right qq :roll:

i got my HA from the state (VR) back east but rarely use it now a days cuz the batteries are insanely expensive all cuz of those new "package" where its packaged in those plastic thingies AND "easy to grasp" thingies :roll: i think that is what has brought the batteries to ridiculous costs -- i remmy in the 80s a simple pack of batteries would go for no more than 4.50 and today in most places ive found a pack of batteries that can fetch upwards to 8 bucks! if my HA ever actually break down or is unusable for whatever reason im not going to get a new one if the health insurance provider is refusing to pay for a simple BTE aid
I have not worn a hearing aide since 1993 because they won't help me at all. Of course, they are expensive and constantly need to buy batteries. Ugh. No thanks so I do not wear any aides at all.
where its packaged in those plastic thingies AND "easy to grasp" thingies
Yeah, what's the point of those things? I have poor fine motor skills and I don't find it hard to put the hearing aid in the battery case.
I am glad that I have hearing aids to hear everything.. But.. Pretty much when my parents found out that I was deaf, I was wearing hearing aids soon after that. Pretty much since the day I first wore my hearing aids until current, my hearing aids were paid by my parents pockets, my two grandma also pitched in, The most current hearing aids I am wearing is, Siemens, each would be about $2,400. So I wear two, so it would be 4,800. Its about there..
Now I am on meidcare, and I found out that they can pay for my hearing aids, earmoldes, batteries, repaires, etc, I went like whoopie. I told mom and she went like. **YAY!!!**
I've recently gotten new hearing aids, free of charge, coz I'm under 21, and they asked if I wanted to wait till I was 21 to get new ones!!! I thought "as if, I'm getting em now, when it's free." LOL.