For the Men: What Kind of Guy Are You?


You scored 13 athleticism, 20 friendliness, 0 intelligence, and 18 coolness!

You're probably really popular, but that's not so rare from stupid people. They have to overcompensate (that's pronounced oh-ver-kom-pen-sayt) for lacking in the brains department. I'd say you could publically destroy me, but you probably can't read this paragraph anyways.

you scored 8 athleticism, 20 friendliness, 11 intelligence, and 14 coolness!

arent you just the nicest guy? you just aim to please, and are the obvious choice for many a mercy date. Hey, Just because she has hair on her upper lip doesn't mean she doesn't need love too!
hey.......whats that last part supposed to mean??? ive never been on mercy dates...
but i would like to think that im a nice guy.
I think this result is quite hilarious cos I don't think it reflects me at all, but I will be a good sport and post it here:

Dumb Jock
You scored 14 athleticism, 10 friendliness, 10 intelligence, and 15 coolness!

Well, you don't have a whole lot going for you, but at least you can kick that kid's ass in the checkered pants! You seriously need to open a book, put down the weights, and go to a party. Getting a girlfriend not made out of punching bags wouldn't hurt, either.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, K75...

I am going to play for the fun... Why not... :giggle:


Schweet' art

You scored 10 athleticism, 22 friendliness, 10 intelligence, and 14 coolness!

Aren't you just the nicest guy? You just aim to please, and are the obvious
choice for many a mercy date. Hey, just because she has hair on her upper lip doesn't mean she doesn't need love, too!

You scored 12 athleticism, 20 friendliness, 4 intelligence, and 17 coolness!
You're probably really popular, but that's not so rare from stupid people. They have to overcompensate (that's pronounced oh-ver-kom-pen-sayt) for lacking in the brains department. I'd say you could publically destroy me, but you probably can't read this paragraph anyways.

who me? no way..... :rl:
Stupid loser
You scored 12 athleticism, 17 friendliness, 10 intelligence, and 13 coolness!
You can run fast, and the fat girl in chorus likes you, but that's about it, pal. I just imagine you sitting at home, alone, pumping iron, thinking about how pretty that color wallpaper is.

:rofl: yeah right!
Man! You guys embarrass me!! Here are my scores. Hint: Vote Bea Arthur next time.

You scored 9 athleticism, 20 friendliness, 8 intelligence, and 13 coolness!
Aren't you just the nicest guy? You just aim to please and is the obvious choice for many dates. You scored higher than 99% on intelligence.

Now, how about a date, huh? Come to Minnesota and let's do coffee! ;)
I am taking this test for the hell of it, ust like Liebling. I guess I am a nerd if I take on a male persona...

Friendly and Smart!
You scored 8 athleticism, 15 friendliness, 16 intelligence, and 15 coolness!
If not for all the jocks giving you wedgies back in the day, you probably wouldn't have had to force your best friend to take you to prom. Let me give you a little friendly advice. Pick up a hockey puck and stop quoting scenes from the Iliad!

How you compared to other people your age and gender I was straightforward about my gender so apparently Liebling and I aren't the only females to take this test!
You scored higher than 55% on athleticism
You scored higher than 33% on friendliness
You scored higher than 88% on intelligence
You scored higher than 55% on coolness

I chose Orlando Bloom for resemblence...:dunno: He looks feminine so good 'nuff for me?
My husband looks like a lot alike Ryan, the tall fellow, from "WhoseLineIsThat" which would qualify for BeaArthur right? and who is Bruce Varlisomething?

I think my husband will get this same result. Ah, I guess we both are not opposites after all.