For the first time, Ask Rebelgirl anything!

Ohh another softball player!

When did u start playing softball?

When I was 4 til 30, I played softball in Gally, after I left there, I played with the hearing Co-Eds, til 2 years ago, I got hurt (slid on my tummy and pulled a tissue and a week later I had appendicitis :ugh3: )

What position do u play?

I played Left Field mostly sometimes 3rd base

Did u play fastpitch softball?

Yes many years! til high school it was slow pitch

Did u play on your school's team?

Yes of course!

Have u ever played in the NSAD (National Softball Association for the Deaf) tourneys?

Actually, never.. cuz there's no deaf softball team in my state. Sad, huh? I'll still play if we had one. I almost played in Mississippi about 2 years ago but didn't get to go.

The Mississippi tourney was the only one that I have missed since joining NSAD 5 years ago. I hope to play this year but see how my ankle and elbow holds up. Sucks that u have no team!! What about regionals?
The Mississippi tourney was the only one that I have missed since joining NSAD 5 years ago. I hope to play this year but see how my ankle and elbow holds up. Sucks that u have no team!! What about regionals?
I'm not sure about the regionals , I can't go that far just to play ball and come back home. I just wish there was one near here
What year did you attend Gally and what year did you left there?...

What major or degrees did you take while enroll in Gally?...

Were you satisfied at Gally?...
What year did you attend Gally and what year did you left there?...

96 I only stayed a semester

What major or degrees did you take while enroll in Gally?...

In Gallaudet, I majored in General Education~ I couldn't decide then but before that I went to 2 different colleges and majored in Criminal Justice

Were you satisfied at Gally?..

one semester was good enough for me, I got to experience what it was like at Gally. It was pretty cool in some ways. I got to be in Gymnastics and Softball. That was the most fun, oh.. I also was in the sisterhood (sorority) I had fun too.
Interesting, I didn't know that you work for veterinty.... I can image it's awful to withness how suffer animals are.... :tears:
Interesting, I didn't know that you work for veterinty.... I can image it's awful to withness how suffer animals are.... :tears:

Well, sometimes its worth to put them down so the pet wouldn't suffer anymore, sometimes just for no reason to put them down by an owner, that's something I just don't agree but I can't say anything. It is sad sometimes. However, I love working at the vet. Its a great experience!

I hope that you can help find any friend that I can talk to
That all I am said
Thank you
The Mississippi tourney was the only one that I have missed since joining NSAD 5 years ago. I hope to play this year but see how my ankle and elbow holds up. Sucks that u have no team!! What about regionals?

try your best you can and you can do it
YESSSSSS but.. on the other hand.. I'm getting sick of the cold weather!!! its soo cold here.. *shivering* Looking forward to spring!

Okay, here the snow that I send you :giggle: :giggle:
