For, not against Abortion

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RosesNY said:
Sorry to say this i agree with Vampyrox

I am not really FOR it, as in: I would support it 100% but the only reason I said that i was FOR it is b/c i am tired of all the assholes saying "its wrong" "it should be illegal" and all of that b.s. it makes me so mad, exspecailly when men start hounding me about it! :fu2:
In all honest.. we, men have absolutely no right to tell women what to do or make decisions about abortions.. Not even governments or fanatical religions. They surely aren't "God" or "Gods" so who are they make decisions for women about abortion issues?

I personally am not pro or anti abortion, I am a guy who is willing to support my lover whatever she wants to make decision for our baby. For best or worse, it is her decision to make, I will support whatever it is best for her or us. Of course I will offer my devil's advocate perspectives, share my feelings, and other things but the final decision goes to her to make.

Today's "March for Women's Lives" are quite inspiration, lots of famous actoresses came and joined them and there are several excellent lectures about rights, privacy issues, abortions, Bush. etc... Too bad that we could not go there (Washington DC) to join them.. :/
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funnycat78 said:
teens are doin it and they get preggie and give up kids like they are ragged dolls

They give them up because it's the only alternative to providing for the baby ..well... :thumbd: other than, say, robbing a bank.

No resources + crisis situation = "the least-worst option" :tears:
I would say it's women their right to choose or not... I mean what if u were raped or something... There's tons of issues with the abortion... I'd say "women's right to choose"
pimpdaddyposse said:
I would say it's women their right to choose or not... I mean what if u were raped or something... There's tons of issues with the abortion... I'd say "women's right to choose"
okay, you say its woman's right of choice.... suppose a woman asked you " why not we have sex.. and get us to have kids?" then you all of sudden get excited and go ahead make kids. then 2 months later ur wife or girlfriend change their mind.. and wants an abortion.. what ya gonna do?

i personally believe its men's choice too.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i personally believe its men's choice too.

You do have a say, but you really don't get to make the decision because it is not your body. It may be your baby, but the woman is the one who is carrying it, not you.

But I'm saying you are entitled to voice your opinion.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
okay, you say its woman's right of choice.... suppose a woman asked you " why not we have sex.. and get us to have kids?" then you all of sudden get excited and go ahead make kids. then 2 months later ur wife or girlfriend change their mind.. and wants an abortion.. what ya gonna do?

i personally believe its men's choice too.
While that is true but final decision always goes to women because it is her flesh and her body. They are the one who have to put up with pains, stress, etc that pregnant causes. That's why I stated about sharing my feelings, devil's advocate prespectives and more, that's where men come in.

But changing their mind in later time is quite annoying, I had to agree with you on that one. Having a baby isn't light decision to make so women shouldn't play around with that kind of thing. Once couple comes to decision that they want to have a baby, they should have stay with that decision unless something come up like lose a job, bankrupt etc.. But again, it is largely depend on situations that come upon couples.
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I would be surprise if United States would be the next China that allow the parents have only one child. :shock:
Magatsu said:
But changing their mind in later time is quite annoying, I had to agree with you on that one. Having a baby isn't light decision to make so women shouldn't play around with that kind of thing. Once couple comes to decision that they want to have a baby, they should have stay with that decision unless something come up like lose a job, bankrupt etc.. But again, it is largely depend on situations that come upon couples.

granted Magatsu -- i agree with ur comments here -- think about situations with certain types of men -- often times they hear their gf is preggy (especially in unmarried relationships) the men balks and disappears thus leaving the women to burden this and in the end it is ultimately HER decision -- if at a later time the dad of the kid appears again and says "im ready to be a dad" and its already long over and have no say to it after its already occurred that to me in itself shows the guy would NOT even consider shouldering the responsibilities involved in child rearing, paying of child support and etc even tho he might say that hes ready to be involved IMO
You will find lots of people who say, I oppose abortion. I don’t think it’s a good thing. In fact, I agree with lots of people.

I’ve heard people give all kinds of excuses the reason having an abortion. It's an admission that we would rather kill a child than do what's necessary to give that child a meaningful life? Yes, many unwanted children lead miserable lives. But whose fault is that? It is not the baby's fault. It's the fault of parents who would rather kill their children than be obliged to love and care for them.

in facts People use their excuse to get an abortion because, They can pursue goals and plans and live independently or would be free from the financial burdens of parenting or avoid getting married or if teenager can resume their youthful lifestyle.. but giving the baby up for adoption would give you the life you want....such as what I listed above.

I only agree with abortion only if required by Doctor which means if they have medical Problems cannot carry the baby in full terms..

I know most people do not like to keep the baby when they are raped but, I Do not think abortion is the best Choice but, It's up to them..
Cheri, I personally think that abortion is entirely up to individual, not mass. Actually there are more people who for pro choice than anti choice, stats came in few days ago and found out that there are more for pro choice.

Cheri said:
in facts People use their excuse to get an abortion because, They can pursue goals and plans and live independently or would be free from the financial burdens of parenting or avoid getting married or if teenager can resume their youthful lifestyle.. but giving the baby up for adoption would give you the life you want....such as what I listed above.
If so then stop sex or use safe sex. Simple solution no? Again, it is individual decision, not mass or retarded President Bush or rather, Dictator Bush to make.

I don't think it is logic or wise to allow doctors to make decisions for us... Who are they to make decisions like that for women? They aren't God or Gods, they can go to hell all I care. Ever since doctors and AMA, there are numbers and numbers of diseases, health problems, etc etc.. many of them came from them (doctors and AMA). Heck 60% of births are prematures and Bush is planning to cutting dowm the family funding so tell me where can these mothers get the money when men leave them or something like that? SSI or SSDI? it could not even support mothers in future.

Well if there is some methods like increase the family funding, SSI & SSDI, etc for mothers then I think it is ok to put a control on abortion but not while with pathetically family funding or SSI/SSDI like today..

Key is: individual decision, not mass. If it somehow gets worse and based on mass decision or doctors, then I am out to Europe or Sweden where freedom are more benefits than not and marry foreign woman.
Magatsu said:
Cheri, I personally think that abortion is entirely up to individual, not mass. Actually there are more people who for pro choice than anti choice, stats came in few days ago and found out that there are more for pro choice.

If so then stop sex or use safe sex. Simple solution no? Again, it is individual decision, not mass or retarded President Bush or rather, Dictator Bush to make.

I don't think it is logic or wise to allow doctors to make decisions for us... Who are they to make decisions like that for women? They aren't God or Gods, they can go to hell all I care. Ever since doctors and AMA, there are numbers and numbers of diseases, health problems, etc etc.. many of them came from them (doctors and AMA). Heck 60% of births are prematures and Bush is planning to cutting dowm the family funding so tell me where can these mothers get the money when men leave them or something like that? SSI or SSDI? it could not even support mothers in future.

Well if there is some methods like increase the family funding, SSI & SSDI, etc for mothers then I think it is ok to put a control on abortion but not while with pathetically family funding or SSI/SSDI like today..

Key is: individual decision, not mass. If it somehow gets worse and based on mass decision or doctors, then I am out to Europe or Sweden where freedom are more benefits than not and marry foreign woman.

well, I am a single Mother of two boys and do not get Child support.. So, I am not going to sit here and cry about it... Think about it u bring a child in the world and u want to get rid of it as simple as it is? Then all they think about is themselves then the unborn baby.

Not all Mothers or Single Fathers out there getting SSI/SSDI/SSA...Some work fulltime doing this on their own...Im sure their Children today are proud of them.. at least they tried providing them good care but Money is not everything.. Love and Caring Is. :thumb:
I know what you mean but there are some situations that could not solve. Not all solutions can be solve, you know what I mean?

Yes I know some fathers or mothers can work part-time or full time to support the kids but I can notice that more and more kids start to have problems in school or social because lack of attention that parents can give them.. I rather to give a full attention for several years (1-6 year old) where is the most important stage in early child development. Absence of attention in important stage, kids will have behavior problems permanently or short-term, it depends on foods, developing the relationship with kids and etc. I worked as one-to-one with some kids who have severe problems, I found out that their parents did not give enough attention due to jobs and other reasons.. I decided to research and wrote a letter to Mothering magazine one year ago, I believe.. and they confirmed my suspicious.

Really, if parents don't have the time to spend with kids then don't get pregnant or abortion if they like. I personally rather to spend full time with my kids in that important stage.

Abortion or keep a child isn't simple, all of us know that. I would hate myself if I let my child go, believe me, I am not heartless but I have to think about kids.. if we could not spend our time with them due to jobs and such then don't get pregnant or make a abortion decision if need. I rather to have kids to be happy than suffering because of me or my job that I could not support them. That is worse than hell or even abortion.

Edit: Tell me, can you avoid the car accident? It is similar situation as abortion.
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Magatsu, I see ur Point but, Not All Children are alike in some way... My Children do not think less of me while I work fulltime they know I have bills to pay and provide for them... That is what Life is all about.. Nothing In life is easy for anyone even with having Children... Sometimes Wives stay home (be a fulltime Mommy) while husband works .. Some Mothers work full time same as the fathers when they are married everyone is different.. but that does not mean our children will be bad. My boy is in 3rd grade and is a Very Smart Kid very good Student never in trouble in School.. Since I work full time during the summer I travel out of states.. They both know I have a job to do and they both know when I get back in Town I take them places as a family...I think it is a lot better than having an abortion and kill a unborn baby.. I have had an abortion and I regret it so much it is not a good feeling it haunt me for the rest of my life. I cannot let it out of my system. .. I know I have made a mistake and Never will do it again. being in abortion office is no heaven it's like Hell they treat ur unborn baby like its a piece of trash no joke... If you have been in one before then U will know how I feel about abortion Maybe Not.. it depends on the Person...That is why I am so Against Abortion and for people to have it just for the hell of it. :(
Well, I was in abortion situation. My ex-girlfriend made a abortion decision and I got along with her and support her whatever she wants even though I do want to keep our child. I am not God so I couldn't force her to not make a decision.

Remember that many people rather to have their kids to be happy than be suffer because of their faults or accidents, it is worse than hell. I am one of them, I want to have my kids to be happy and I want to be best father for them unlikely my father.. my dad isn't excatly good father to me for many years, my mom had to take his role and give up many things that she would like to have. That's immoral and wrong, if I know and I would rather to die from abortion than causes the suffer that my mom had to went thru. Everyone deserves to have best time in their lifetime regardless if they are bad or good people. But that's just me and that's just you.

It is good to know that you did your job as mother to your kids and do whatever you can for them, that's where I praise you for that. Again, it is just individual decision.. I could not make decisions how you should live your life, you will get furious if I tell you what to do right? it is similar with abortion situation, it is very personal choice like foods and religions. Smile!
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Magatsu said:
I am one of them, I want to have my kids to be happy and I want to be best father for them unlikely my father.. my dad isn't excatly good father to me for many years, my mom had to take his role and give up many things that she would like to have. That's immoral and wrong, if I know and I would rather to die from abortion than causes the suffer that my mom had to went thru.

Aww Don't say That... I know how u feel because My boys are going through the same thing with their fathers They weren't and aren't the best father figures for them either. But, They know I love them no matter what and I can be both a mother and a father figures to them both...I gave up a lot too but I did this for My children than for myself. I did not mind much giving it up because, My children mean the world to me just like Ur Mother did the same thing she gave up many things she ever wanted but she did that for you... I just wish that Fathers would play a role in their children life not getting a free ride and take off and not being responsible it takes two to bring a child in the world not one... Markus My son who is 9 think his father doesn't love him and think it had something to do with him.. But, I told him It has nothing to do with him.. He has a lots of Love from my family and me...Men out there can be Jerks the ones who doesn't provide for their Child/Ren.
Cheri said:
Men out there can be Jerks the ones who doesn't provide for their Child/Ren.
Definitely yes. I agree with you on that one.

I know I shouldn't mention about "rather to die than causes the suffer" I know how much I mean to my mom but still... I just don't like the conception that someone else would be suffer for me or my sake. That's all.
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