For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

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Apr 9, 2005
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Any of you support the Jehovah's Witness, then please read this comment. This comment reflects to these questions what I will ask you concerning JW. You know more about JW, then please answer these questions. The reason that I will ask you questions is because I think it is very interesting informative for you to open your eyes.

I researched a little bit about JW bible. I searched for Greek texts where JW was translated. A JW supporter had his JW bible and showed it to me. I opened the JW bible and searched the information in it. I noticed what this information in JW bible said. I searched other information through the Internet and found quotations concerning JW.

Please read on these quotations:

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and International Bible Students Association, publishers of Jehovah's Witnesses' literature, issued in 1950 "The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Rendered from the Original Language by the New World Bible Translation Committee". In the Foreword the editors state that they used as the basis of their translation "the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881), by reason of its admitted excellence."

In 1969 the Watchtower published "The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures," presenting "a literal word-for-word translation" of the Westcott and Hort Greek text, together with the Revised Edition of the "New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures."

Question for JW supporters:

Who were Westcott and Hort?

Next question will be in my next post. I will discuss about JW bible and others in my few next posts. To JW supporters, you will see something that surprises you. Very interesting!!!!!
Any of you support the Jehovah's Witness, then please read this comment. This comment reflects to these questions what I will ask you concerning JW. You know more about JW, then please answer these questions. The reason that I will ask you questions is because I think it is very interesting informative for you to open your eyes.

I researched a little bit about JW bible. I searched for Greek texts where JW was translated. A JW supporter had his JW bible and showed it to me. I opened the JW bible and searched the information in it. I noticed what this information in JW bible said. I searched other information through the Internet and found quotations concerning JW.

Please read on these quotations:

Question for JW supporters:

Who were Westcott and Hort?

Next question will be in my next post. I will discuss about JW bible and others in my few next posts. To JW supporters, you will see something that surprises you. Very interesting!!!!!

There were few of JWs in the neighbor, They saw me in my yard and never approached me, they kept walking on. Guess they must have heard about me through internet. LOL:giggle:
J.W. is a cult, and sure enuff that they are dayum ANNYOING
upon introspection i would say i m pretty durned non-judgemental. i try not to judge anybody based on their physical characteristics (everyone is guilty of this one way or another. it is unavoidable but there are degrees... from little to too much), but hey if somebody approached me with a suit of bombs i would assume they did not come by to wish me well.

lol Most people judge me by looks. lol Not very bright human trait to be judgemental. lol
JW people, will you please answer my question:

Who were Westcott and Hort?
Please stick to the topic... Who were Westcott and Hort?

I am curious to see how smart Askjo is...
Interesting thought

If you truly believe what the Bible says, then, you have to believe people told Noah, what a waste of time, and hey, they might have said, this wood could be used for something more useful.
Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives watched as all the people were drowned, this more than likely included, their nieces, nephews, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, and aunts.
When Lot was warning his soon to be sons in law, they thought it was a joke, then Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed along with everyone in them. When the prophets said that the Jews were in grave danger, they resented it big time.
You do not have to imagine what people thought of Jesus when he said, "I am the way, the truth, and the light, he that followeth me shall gain everlasting life".
So this carpenter says, "No one can come to the Father, unless he comes through me". What!!!! I and my family have been going to the temple for a thousand years, now you are telling me I have to come to you, or what? You are better than Moses?! You and your dad built my outhouse, and now you say you are the Christ? Give me a break pal!
Oh and I am going to be destroyed if I do not listen to you, man you have a lot of nerve coming to my door!!!, everyone grab a rock, lets kill this blasphemer!!!
It is all there for us to read. A question we need to ask is, when Jesus said, that people would take no note until the destruction came and took them away, who is really taking note? And why did God feel the need to destroy people, and will he do it again.
If the Witnesses are not working with Jesus to warn us, it will all go away harmlessly.
I always ask this as well, the Bible tells us that Satan has a unified purpose, his is not a house divided, his purpose, to mislead the whole earth, yet we are told that All Christian organizations will take us to the same place, despite being hopelessly divided and really slaughtering one another. That means, that Satan can have a unified organization, but the one who made him and the universe can not!! I find that hard to believe..
Did you know that the Apostles thought Jesus would return before John died?

They also kept asking, "Are you restoring your kingdom at this time"? The early christian congregation had to be corrected on MANY matters. The important part? They were open to correction. Read the last chapter of John and the first chapter of Acts. Really, read the Bible, the Jews were always going off the mark in very serious ways, as were the Chistians, note also what happened when they failed to get back on the right path.
Important to note also, Jesus never asked them to do anything that would harm them, no, it was for their own good. In fact, he told them their lives would be better now, and he promised them everlasting life if they did what was right.
Interesting thought

Important to note, Noah preached destruction, Jeremiah, Isaiah, all the minor prophets, remember Sodom? Jesus spoke of the destruction of the Jewish system of things, which occurred in 70 C.E. with over one million men, women and children slaughtered by the Romans, Jesus also spoke of the destruction of the world of unbelievers, he also stated that very few would follow him.
Notice that Jesus always gave warnings, before he destroyed people?
If we believe in him, do we really believe he will allow all these bad things to continue? Do we think that these religions with all this blood on their hands would be used by him for anything?
In what form would we expect him to warn us? He did say there would be a great preaching work, the Kingdom is mentioned over one hundred times in the Gospels, and this is what he said would be preached throughout the world.
Wow, hard to beleive this cult is using the wrong Bible!

Any of you support the Jehovah's Witness, then please read this comment. This comment reflects to these questions what I will ask you concerning JW. You know more about JW, then please answer these questions. The reason that I will ask you questions is because I think it is very interesting informative for you to open your eyes.

I researched a little bit about JW bible. I searched for Greek texts where JW was translated. A JW supporter had his JW bible and showed it to me. I opened the JW bible and searched the information in it. I noticed what this information in JW bible said. I searched other information through the Internet and found quotations concerning JW.

Please read on these quotations:

Question for JW supporters:

Who were Westcott and Hort?

Next question will be in my next post. I will discuss about JW bible and others in my few next posts. To JW supporters, you will see something that surprises you. Very interesting!!!!!

I have noticed that the religions using the "right Bible", have had quite a hard time coming to any agreement on anything in it, they also have had a hard time even getting most interested in reading it. They even have gone to war over it!
Now the cult dudes are using their custom made translation, you know, translating it so it agrees with them and their beliefs, one big mistake they made is clear however, while they were changing it, they should have added, Trinity, Easter, Christmas, fathers day, mothers day, man what about St. Patrick's day(hooray beer), and the rapture in, then taken out that stuff about going out to preach to people, do that, and their religion would be so much more fun and admired. Oh yea, that stuff about fornication, woe..that is not making them any friends either, shoot, the dude on dude, gal on gal stuff was not hip then, but man it is really popular now! maybe time to revise again.
Anyway these dudes have taken this fake Bible and have managed to get six billion or however many there are to agree on just about everything. Don't they all wear the same clothes as well? They do not kill each other, or anyone else in war, they are very much against abortion, and they have some otherworldly peace with every different race, tribe, and creed.
Man don't take this the wrong way, but the cult is really showing us true Christians up!
Maybe we should take their Bible that is based on those Mascot and Fort guys translation, because our real Bible is not working for us!
Hmm, this forum which began with someone's interest (or non interest) in J.W. has gone far astray.

I just want to say, personally, I have no problem with the JW religion. We have alot of them in my area, some deaf, some hearing. ALL can Sign. They do not try to convert me. I understand their beliefs and as long as they do not try and push them on me, I am satisfied. I am a little puzzled as to why this forum was started in the first place. Can someone enlighten me?
Regarding why.

It seems like it was started to bait Witnesses into conversations about their faith, you know, their Bible, the Trinity, most of which they have known about since they were kids, really, most of them came from other religions so they have heard it no doubt. Askjo seems to think she has found the holy grail, when what she really found was a group of people who seem to hate Witnesses for a living.
If those people think they have all the answers they should start their own church, and I don't think you can make a church out of hating another group, now you can have a KKK, Nazi, Stasi, but that will not get you anywhere with God.
I have this on my front door:


That's right, y'all better RUN! My dogs will tear you to pieces!
JW is a man made religious therefore it is fake. JW Deaf (and Hearing signers) are very pushy around here. They've stopped by my home three times til three years ago. JW hearing nonsigners are not pushy -- My sister who is hearing told me she has a JW friend at work. I am sure there are alot around here. There is a JW "church" near my home. They don't bother us but Deafies sigh... no offense thou.

Happy Joyfully Weekend!
JW is a man made religious therefore it is fake. JW Deaf (and Hearing signers) are very pushy around here. They've stopped by my home three times til three years ago. JW hearing nonsigners are not pushy -- My sister who is hearing told me she has a JW friend at work. I am sure there are alot around here. There is a JW "church" near my home. They don't bother us but Deafies sigh... no offense thou.

Happy Joyfully Weekend!

Well, you can save the sign I made and print that out and put it on your front door...that will keep the JW's away!!!
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