Food and the mind.


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
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I was just randomly thinking one day, one thing led to another -- My thought process went like this ...

"Hm. Mcdonalds doctors their good menus to make food look pleasant and delicious. When we receive our orders the burgers are smushed, they have the constancy of cardboard and the ketchup tastes starchy. Someone should sue them for false advertising."

After awhile of pondering on that, I became curious while watching a movie "Howard Hughes" The guy had an obsessive compulsive disorder with how he ate, my earlier thought collided with that and I began asking myself-

"If we're pissy about how our food looks, only on a lower degree. Does this mean it is a mental disorder? Is it a mental disorder for us to be pissy about how our food looks? A mental disorder of being civilized? We were once primal and we only viewed food as food. If it was bad we didn't eat it, if it was good, regardless of taste, look, smell, shape, color we ate it to survive. Now we, as civilized people nitpick about ALOT. The scent of how our food is, the taste of spices. The color or shape. How long it was cooked -- would you like your steak rare or well done sir?"

I also noticed that watching a show on DSC (discovery channel) tribes of Africa eat very obscene looking food. They're still in the survival situation so... I ask the question to the members of AD once again for their opinion and possibly knowledge on the subject-

Do you think we have an obsessive compulsive disorder, only to a lower degree because we are civilized and only we do not recognize it as a disorder because by hierarchy, well... lets say we have an extreme bias and it is what's considered normal. I suppose civilization is a disease of evolution? I really don't know, I'm ranting here now thinking in broken fragments of thoughts. Discuss !
Hmmm well if being picky about the look of food is an obsessive compulsive disorder, then so would be, say, furninshing a house. Because we could sit on the floor (or crouch) etc. Avoiding bad-smelling food is a safety mechanism so we don't get poisoned. But people can overcome that if they want to. In fact, people get a kick out of eating dangerous things, blowfish, for example.

If Howard Hughes didn't have his OCD tendencies, would he have accomplished the things he did? Probably not. A lot of people who strive for excellence and perfection have those tendencies. If he were alive today, the hand-washing wouldn't be perceived of as that weird, since a good portion of the population is into antibacterializing everything. It's an ongoing debate, but I find that people who are obsessive about cleanliness, contrary to popular opinion, are far healthier.

You don't have to go to Africa to find people who will eat ANYTHING. My mind is blown by some of the things people eat. Haha, one of them being a McDonald's hamburger!
I was attempting to get to the root of it all- The most primal state we were in and how we are now and if you would consider it evolution of a mental disorder as per being picky. I'm talking about how I hate mac and cheese and other people love it- it's not poisonus or bad, it's a pretty good dish but i hate the taste of it. I used to L O V E it when I was a kid- what changed? Me of course and my mind, but why? Do you think primal man had a specific taste for how he ate his dinosaur meat? We don't eat to survive anymore, we eat to pleasure ourselves which leads to WHY some of america is obese today, extremely might I add because science has shown that portion of the brain releases dopamine as a pleasure machinism when we eat, some people have this greater than others...

I need to look back into it to be 100% postive, I might skewed some of the details so don't quote me on it until I'm sure.