Flu Recovery


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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The past two days have been a nightmare.
I have never had so much pain with the flu.
I have tiny tiny bits in the last 48 hrs. Resting,
and fluids. I can finally come on and say I am on the
road to recovery!
Gosh, stay healthy guys. Not a good feeling
when you have the flu. :zzz: Going to bed now.
Just dropping in to let you know I am ok.
Thanks for the kind words, and thoughts. Hugs, love you guys.
Oh yeah that happened to me last month and i hate that arghhh sure hope u feel better
Glad to hear you're okay, I do hope you feel better soon, hang in there :hug:
yea me2, prevouis i've been sick a week.. until today getting better and back normal who am I now... :D

Hopefully you'll be recovery soon..
I hope you get well and feeling better. My dear wonderful husband got a cold and been tried awful hard to get rid of it. Right now he got this awlful cough that take so long to get rid of it. So I been keep eye on him to make sure he fine and he is.
:aw: I am so sorry to hear how bad you were feeling. I hope that you're feeling better really soon!!! Glad you're back on AD. Rest, rest, rest Heart2sign :cheers:
sorry to hear hope u feel better soon.

i have bad coughs for abt 2 weeks and finally went to dr today found out i have infection... wahhhh. i have antibotics.
Pain? Or pains from being sick/ill? Either way, hopefully you'll find a remedy real quick so you can recover and get back into the swing of things in good health! ;)
Pain from being sick. It's all over. I feel really weak right now, I have to get the girls ready so that I can walk over to the Dr. I almost feel like I could pass out. Hub is gone to write an important exam. I will be back soon.